Wednesday, July 15th

Chelsea looks devastated as Adam says his good byes to Connor. I guess it’s good bye for us too, he looks at Chelsea.

As Vikki and Billy gripe about Gabe not being at the office yet, Abby clips clops in giving instructions to her personal assistant (Kyle; who’s rolling his eyes) Hey – the meeting she’s taking tonight has been Billy’s project for weeks. Well, it’s the COO’s now – Let me do my job and stay out of my way, Abby snaps at him and Vikki.

At Underground, Sage weeps – she never thought she could have true love – a baby inside her – it’s a future that won’t happen. It’s going to come true, Nick assures – nothing will get in our way of having it all.

At GCM, Phyllis sends Ashley off to Gabe’s meeting. Remind them I’m a department head (who expects to be invited to the next one) A well dressed Ben comes along and obviously excited, picks Ashley up and whirls her around.

At CL’s, Summer moans and groans to Noah; she survived her wedding anniversary – but it’s complicated for her and Kyle (who are stuck in the middle of family drama) Noah’s glad she has Kyle to lean on. Knowing he misses Courtney, Summer wonders if Noah’s looking to lean on Marisa.

The cop who comes in to tell Victor he has a visitor takes his tablet to be charged. Marisa comes in to introduce herself – we have a mutual friend; Marco.

Phyllis thanks Nikki for meeting her (at the club) Yes, Jack’s still in a coma – but he squeezes my hand when I ask him questions. Does this mean anything to you? Nikki looks at the ‘2’. Was Gabe blackmailing Victor? Setting him up? Who else would Victor go to the park to confront? Nobody can get the truth out of him except you. Will you please try for me? Phyllis implores.

Surprise, surprise, Ben just met with GCM’s Chief of Staff – he’s reinstated and back in residency here at GCM. Call me doctor! OK Doctor Rayburn, Ashley laughs – but is sorry she lost her best chemist. Off to a meeting, Ashley can’t go celebrate – but Abby will want to celebrate with you. Ben hasn’t seen much of her since she got her new job – Ashley’s the first person he told.

It’s Kyle and Abby vs Vikki and Billy. The COO will follow her own instincts – and meet with the warehouse workers herself. So that leaves the rest of us to deal with Gabe – without you, Billy’s not impressed.

Nick’s sorry – he has to go to Gabe’s meeting – go home and rest. When you get back home, you’ll know that I’m right, Sage stifles a sob. Nick wonders why she’s so worried about his meeting with Gabe – he’s nothing – we’re solid – nothing will get in the way of that. If you won’t go home, go up to the office and relax. Gabe will dig himself into a hole – don’t worry – it’s OK, Nick leaves Sage to cry.

Connor in his arms, Adam won’t apologize for taking Chelsea from Billy, but he deserves justice Delia (so he won’t mention that Billy shot him) You’re going to tell them all together? Yes – one of them will tell the police – he won’t see the outside of a jail cell after tonight – but it’s the right thing to do, he hands Connor to his Mom. It’s been everything I imagined being with you. It’s time to do the right thing. Chelsea nods agreement – what else is there? She’s left to cry over Connor’s head.