Wednesday, September 2nd

Back at CL’s, Dylan admits he’s afraid to leave Sharon alone. Plus he doesn’t want to put himself in a dangerous position. THIS is the life he wants – any sacrifices are worth it. Dylan won’t judge Sharon – life is so good he too worries it’ll go bad. Sharon will do everything she can to make sure that never happens ~hug~

Chelsea can’t let Adam take the risk of being fingerprinted – and he won’t let Chelsea leave GC without him. It’s not happening!

Nikki can’t believe that Victor’s so jealous he’d threaten Neil to stay away from here. Victor can’t be embarrassed by her cavorting with a ‘fellow lush’! How dare you!? Shut up! Nikki storms out as Victor rants.

Devon declines Lily’s offer – he can’t ask her to go back to BVI for him. But you can ask me, Cane offers.

In some sort of cobwebbed shed, Neil checks an IV bag (saline?) – we may need to get more of this – otherwise, everything’s normal. Hilary sleeps.

**Fundraiser update – I’m just waiting to confirm the donors list and will post it this evening <---- There were a few more donations trickling in last night that I need to add. Next: I'm not letting you walk out that door without me. Either we stay together or leave together, Adam tells Chelsea.... Vikki at her side, Nikki asks Neil - Did Victor ask you not to see me anymore? I'm not interested in your version of friendship, Neil snarls.... At the park (for Kay's memorial) Paul, envelope in hand, addresses those gathered; a letter, from the dearly departed. My Thoughts: Why would Paul have to arrest BOTH Adam and Chelsea? Victor himself told 'Gabe' to return to Paris - he technically has nothing to do with Victor's request for visitation of Connor. Paul would have no grounds to arrest 'Gabe' whatsoever. Why wouldn't David take the time to have the visitation proposal typed out and served - so there'd be proof that Chelsea's willing to compromise? And why wouldn't Victor take the time to ask his lawyer whether refusing such an offer might compromise his case? .... Collin got a big chunk of money and put it in an account he shares with Jill? Yeah right.... Some women don't even announce their pregnancy until they're into their second trimester. Not Sharon - she'll announce hers without even doing a HPT. That's not optimism - that's lunacy. I'd say 'poor Dylan' - but really, he's so dense it's hard to feel any sympathy... I'd forgotten about Chloe; yet another unstable woman out there, a ticking time bomb the writers will no doubt detonate in due time. But next - prepare for the return of Patty Williams (if rumours are accurate) .. So - Neil has Hilary holed up somewhere (close it appears) Is she in the old gardeners shed on the Abbott property? Or perhaps Hilary's dream home? Either way - Neil has always been an upstanding man. His main (perhaps only) flaw has been bad taste in women. There's no mental illness to blame this on. I don't see how Neil can be redeemed after this... Ridiculous to hear Victor spout off about 'keeping family close'. Nick was shipped off to boarding school for years, and Vikki went to Europe to pursue an art career that went absolutely nowhere. Never mind that Adam was raised in Kansas with barely any contact from his Father. When was the last time he saw Connor anyway???