Wednesday, October 14th

At the boathouse, Dr Nevell understands the need for discretion – what’s the trouble? Oh, Neil’s OK – this is the patient) My God – that woman’s all over the news. Dr Nevell needs to call the police.

No Doc, you can’t call the police. The man accused of murder is my son, Neil then explains how he found Hilary and wanted to nurser her back to health. I need her to wake up and tell everyone I’m not responsible. She needs the BEST medical attention – can you help us?

Nick remembers that Sharon refused to leave Noah too – but Christian won’t be alone; he has great nurses (one of whom goes off to see if there’s a room Sage can stay in) Nick will assemble the crib and get everything ready for when Sage and the baby come home. Oh how lucky the Newmans are.

DR Anderson chides Patty for questioning the medication she’s giving Sharon. Patients have good days and bad. Concentrate on your own recovery – the patients here are in good hands. Yes, Patty understands (but doesn’t look so sure once left alone)


Sharon continues to concern Dylan – she’s tired and her mouth is dry. Going to get her some water, Dylan bumps into Dr A – Sharon seems worse – what happened??? Dr A claims that Dylan’s fiance hasn’t been honest with him.

Dr Anderson tells Dylan that Sharon’s NOT coming home anytime soon – they must find the right combination of medication. We’re on the right track, but tiredness is a side effect she’ll have to get used to. Thanking the doctor, Dylan rejoins Sharon (who quickly decides it’s time for a rest) As Patty chases Dylan towards he exit, Dr A steps in to give her a stern look.

Marissa doesn’t need Noah to stay (in her suite) What if he wants to? No – Marisa appreciates the ride but the longer Noah stays, the harder it will be for her to say good bye to him.

Billy and Ashley face off against Phyllis and Jack (who claims that kicking a man while he’s down isn’t something their Father would have done) Tired of going around in circles, Billy and Ashley march off. That leaves Jack to be grateful that at least Phyllis understands (only she’s not sure she does)

Dr Nevell will do anything (including bending rules) to help a patient. Good, because Neil needs this woman saved – can you, will you help my daughter in law??

Noah’s still upset about Marco, Luca and Marissa’s lies, but that doesn’t change how he feels about her. He can’t leave ~kiss~

Billy shows Ashley Delia’s Ginkgo tree. She heard about Adam, then Chloe showing up. Jack thought he was doing the right thing, Ash believes. Maybe, but Billy still can’t forgive him.

Dylan’s with Nick – looking down on tiny Christian. Sharon seemed happy about the baby. Seemed? Well, she was vague, out of it. Dr A says it’ll take a while to get used to the new drugs. Nick thinks she’s in good hands; Dr A stopped by GCM yesterday. Why would she do that? Dylan wonders.