Monday, November 23rd

No time for spellcheck or proofreading. Have a doctor’s appointment 🙂

I don’t understand – how is this possible? Baby in her arms, Sharon has no memory of giving birth. Dr Anderson blames that on meds given for pain – aren’t you happy? Dr A will call Dylan and the family.

At Underground, Mariah tells Kevin what’s really bothering her; not being unable to penetrate the cone of invincibility Fairview has around Sharon. Perhaps Kevin can help her break in. Maybe – but right now he’s busy tracking Paragon. Billy has a lead on a hacker on Geneva (which is where Kevin and Jack are heading off to via private jet) The kicker? Victor’s onboard.

Adam’s not surprised that Victor was able to get an after hours visit (or that the warden is his friend) You’re a very lucky man, Victor says.

In Hilary’s suite, Devon’s disappointed that she’s standing by Neil – who’s only crime was loving us both. I don’t love you, I love Neil. Accept that he’s the one I want to be with. Devon can’t forgive or forget. Who’s he calling? The police, Neil guesses correctly.

Hearing a knock at the door, Dr Neville foolishly calls out – Mrs Hamilton is that you? Dylan busts through the door.

There’s nothing I CAN do, Neil whispers to Hilary – as Devon calls Paul (who rambles on about Dylan’s lead on Dr Neville – they may soon know who was holding Hilary) Yeah, great – but Devon learned something about that himself. I’m on my way, he exits the suite without further word.

Dylan introduces himself to Dr Neville; who’d like to see some ID from this cowboy on steroids. And Dylan would like to see a license for operating a lab in a motel room. Dylan doesn’t have to be so nice – you won’t like me angry. Dr Neville has no idea who paid for Hilary’s treatment – he assumes secrecy was necessary – he treated her, then left her at GCM – end of story. Not quite – you came back to give Hilary more pills, Dylan adds.

He’s so beautiful, and content – so strong, Sharon thanks Dr Anderson – coming to Fairview was the best decision she ever made. Who do you think he looks like? No question, Dr Anderson thinks him the spitting image of his Father.