Friday, January 15th

Sharing a bottle of wine, Natalie and Mariah quiz one another about Kevin. Natalie’s clearly interested in him. Mariah pretends not to be (but is) Kevin calls – lemme speak to Natalie. I need you, he says. Natalie smiles. Mariah pouts.

Where’s Marisa? Luca wonders when he returns to TofT. No, Victor didn’t send for Marisa – he was just there. Noah’s told that he’s exchanging her life for Adam’s.

Kevin needs Natalie to do some hacking – and cover your tracks. If Victor finds out about this … Victor calls Kevin on cue – I need you to get over here now, he orders ~click~

Dylan’s welcomed home with a big kiss. He has great news. Paul pulled some strings – you’re looking at GC’s newest Detective. No! Sharon stuns.

I love you. Please let me know you’re alright, Chelsea leaves another message for Adam. Sage joins her on the patio and is filled in. Maybe there’s an explanation. Chelsea has a bad feeling – I begged him not to go. What if Adam’s never coming back? she frets.

Marisa for Adam? You’re not making any sense. Updated, Noah’s sure his Grandfather would never do anything to harm Marisa. Wake up, Luca snaps – he’s been trying to get her out of your life for months. Noah wants to figure out the facts and work on an answer. No – you watched Marisa get walked out of here, you’ve done enough! Luca orders Noah to stay the hell out of it.

What did you want to see me about? At NE, Kevin’s shown the ransom demand on Victor’s laptop. They want to trade Adam for the girl? What girl? Nick walks in. Natalie and Mariah are also looking at the ransom demand. Who’s the girl? Natalie wonders. It’s you, Mariah tells her.


Next: Luca’s determined to find answers – Of course Victor would cover his tracks. That’s why I need to speak to the man and see what I can get out of him … Nick accosts Victor – I’m asking you, as your son – do you know what happened to Adam? … Adam’s missing, Chelsea turns up on Sharon’s doorstep. Possibly kidnapped – I need your husband.

My Thoughts: What possible urgent frock disaster could Marisa possibly be needed for re: Chelsea 2.0? Chelsea has nothing in production … Billy almost dying taught Chelsea and Adam to appreciate every second? Didn’t Adam almost dying already teach them that? How many times do they need a near death to be reminded to appreciate one another? …. Dylan shouldn’t have skipped the police academy – perhaps there he’d have been taught some sensitive training; IE – don’t refer to a missing person in the past tense. And isn’t Detective the top of the GCPD food chain? How do the desk and beat cops feel about sonny boy bypassing them to be Paul’s right-hand man? I bet he’s real popular with his brothers in blue. Oh wait, Dylan never had to wear the blue uniform …. Why wouldn’t Sharon assume Mariah and Kevin were having some friends over? Oh no – of course not – they don’t have any friends … The penthouse still has no surveillance cameras? That’s unfortunate (or convenient for Adam’s kidnappers) Didn’t the front desk guy see anything? … Natalie blames Kevin for her stealing money from investors? He made her dream so big her ‘head would explode’? She’s supposed to be brilliant – she must know heads don’t really explode (not from ideas) …. If the police suspected Noah they’d have knocked on his door by now? By now Marisa? Billy only woke up yesterday. And what door would the police knock on? Has Noah even been home? Does he even HAVE a home? Perhaps the police are building a case … Why hasn’t it crossed Paul’s mind that Adam might have been done the exact same thing to Billy that he did his daughter; run over him and disappeared? .. Paul must know that hacking into Victor’s correspondence is illegal. There’s no cause, no warrant issued – and Adam hasn’t even been missing 24 hours. Any case could be thrown out.