Wednesday, February 3rd

Luca just walked out like he owns the place – Chelsea wants to know why he’s so smug. Why is Adam shutting her out? Marisa warned me of this – she’s the only one who talks to me. She got it wrong – I’m working WITH Victor – what do you want from me!? Adam snaps – what Luca’s talking about has nothing to do with ‘the plan’ (which he’s not going through with) Chelsea won’t ‘let it go’ and slams out when dismissed (your transformation into Victor is complete)

What are you doing in here?! Surprised to find Billy in her suite, Natalie grabs a wine bottle as a weapon.

Chelsea slams into the penthouse to whine to Anita about Adam – he can’t help being himself; he’s lying again – keeping secrets. Something’s going on with him and Victor (who’s not even here) Anita concludes that Adam’s cheating on Chelsea.

Adam’s summoned Noah to Victor’s office – to confront him on running over Billy. It was me, Noah admits. Adam’s pissed (and Victor won’t like it either – we were close to getting rid of the Santori’s) Victor knows – he’s the one who covered it up! Noah informs.

On the CL’s patio, Luca tells Marisa that the Newman’s were plotting against him – but Noah threw him a rope. Adam was stunned to hear his nephew was the one who hit Billy. Yes, he’s pleased with himself – now I have more power (that’ll keep us at NE) Luca’s rewarded with a teeth-rattling slap across the face.

Inside, Kevin and Mariah continue to butt heads as they wonder what Natalie’s up to. Maybe Natalie’s lying to other investors. Kevin agrees they need to find out who their new partners might be – let’s do some digging.

Billy only broke in to be discreet – he didn’t mean to scare Natalie. He wants to talk. Is the project on track? It is, but Natalie thinks Billy all talk. This deal is my redemption, my life right now. Knock knock – who’s at the door? Vikki.

Billy in hiding, Vikki marches in for a status report. Natalie can’t work with someone looking over her shoulder. She’s getting there – you wouldn’t understand. Vikki blurts out some techy words. It’s her job to make sure Natalie does her job – show me what you’ve got.

You’re no better than your family – exposing Noah won’t keep you near me! Luca grabs Marisa’s arm – so wrong. So ungrateful. What Noah did has so many uses. he kisses her wrists – see you later my love.

Noah didn’t know he ran Billy over – Marisa saw him drive off. Victor told him to keep quiet – that telling anyone would only soothe his own conscience. Adam gets that – but not why Victor kept it from HIM. Of course Marisa lied, Adam no, he won’t throw Adam under the bus.

Chelsea doesn’t believe that Adam’s cheating – he’s keeping me in the dark. Is he a good husband? A good Father? Does he love you? You guys aren’t vanilla. Chelsea doesn’t want Adam turning into Victor (who’s holding something over his head) Anita warns her not to imagine it too hard – it might come true.

Lily fiddles with her engagement ring. Yes, both remember it’s the anniversary of the day Cane proposed. As Lily wonders if the party’s still going on downstairs, Cane realizes it was all a setup.

As Natalie and Vikki nag one another, Billy sends a text – almost done? I miss you. I’ll be back tomorrow, Vikki exits. Billy emerges to say that actually, Vikki IS ‘sweet. He’s sure he can get revenge on Victor without ruining things with Vikki.