Friday, February 5th

Asked to elaborate, Dr Anderson heard hero worship in Sharon’s tone and wanted to inject some clarity – nobody’s perfect. You’re always looking out for me, Sharon smiles – for all of us. She admires that Dr Anderson’s so calm about Nick’s affection. Dr A then harps on Victor exerting control over Nick. No one’s perfect – men are weak – they always hurt you – they always leave. Dr Anderson again thanks Sharon – she’ll be very cautious with this information.

Nick sneaks out of Dr Anderson’s office with the Living With Paralysis book (the initials ‘SA’ penciled inside)

Back at CL’s, Noah doesn’t think now’s a great time for Summer to start working at NE. Why not? Summer lists her family working there. Luca chimes in to say Newman business is rough. Dad’s not there and doesn’t want us there, Noah adds – things are about to get a bit crazy. He then gets a text from Adam – meet me NOW. That leaves Luca with Summer – buy you a coffee?

Protecting Noah’s your priority? Chelsea lists why Victor would want that. Adam’s thinking of Noah, not Victor. Why are you involved at all? Chelsea wants him out of it. Let me handle this, Adam gives her a kiss then leaves her to scowl.

When Noah arrives at Victor’s office, Adam tells him that Luca needs to be gone before Victor returns. No, Noah’s not to confess to the police, he’s to leave the country – tonight (so Luca doesn’t have leverage over him) Here’s a first class ticket. It doesn’t matter that Noah doesn’t want to go.

In the hallway, Patty needs Sage to listen to her tweets – you and Nick have a plan. You’re trickster birds right? Sage asks about Sharon. Dr Anderson doped her up a lot – no visitors – she filled Sharon’s head with nonsense. Patty! Dr Anderson clips clops over to order a terrified Patty to her room (startling Sage with her fury)

Nick’s back at Sharon – praising her smart move in getting Dr Anderson to talk. Maybe the ‘men leaving’ was about her divorce? No, it seemed like an older wound. She also fixated on Victor. It was strange, Sharon concludes. Not overly curious about the paralysis book, Sharon mentions that Dr A brought up Nick in high school. Sharon’s torn – Dr Anderson saved her, but at the very least it’s unethical that she’s treating Sage (I feel betrayed) Oh no, Nick gasps – I can’t believe I didn’t see it! The book on paralysis – SA – it’s Sandra Allen! OMG! Sharon’s stunned.

Chelsea’s dropped by Vikki and Billy’s. And with Vikki upstairs, asks if he’s healed. It’s awful what happened to you, especially after Delia. To know the person’s still out there…. The cops have no leads? Yeah, Billy’s more focussed on being back home (and at Jabot) He won’t go back to that place of revenge – he won’t blow his happiness with Vikki. You deserve to be happy too, he says. After Chelsea leaves, Vikki returns to ask what she needed approval on. We talked about the accident – it seemed like she was trying to get info – could she know something???