Friday, April 8th

Adam comes home with news – he told Dylan what Victor asked him to do (and he’s going to look into protecting Victor) Chelsea worries that Victor well see him passing this along to Dylan as a betrayal – what then?

A worried Sharon has called Nick over. When she comes down with Sully, Nick asks how she’s feeling. I’m good now, Sage doesn’t take her eyes off Sully. Sharon looks uncomfortable.

Adam doesn’t care if Victor’s upset with him or not. He did what he had to for his family – for us. Chelsea’s proud of Adam but knows he won’t be fulfilled until he feels like a true Newman. Adam insists he’s moved on. His place is with Chelsea – I’m nothing without you ~kiss~

In a hospital bed, Nikki has a some minor damage above her eye. You’ve been drinking, Jack immediately guesses (hearing Nikki walked into the street and was hit by a car) Ignoring Vikki’s call, Nikki doesn’t want her family to know. Jack must keep her secret.

On the patio, Dylan’s on the phone informing the warden that Ian Ward and Victor share history. The warden will keep an eye on them and find out which of the guards turned the camera off outside Victor’s cell. Dylan knows one thing – Victor Newman’s life is at stake.

In his cell, Victor flashes back to happy times with Nikki. As the lights go out, a voice calls out – you’re a dead man Newman, a dead man – ah ha ha ha.


Next: Do you swear to tell the truth … Nothing but the truth, so help me God, Billy interrupts Leslie as he stares at Vikki across the boardroom table…. I’m asking you for help, Nikki tears up. No, you’re asking me to lie to cover up your mistakes, Jack corrects … Victor looks up from his bunk – So, your plan to get out of here. Ah, you’re paying attention now, Ian smirks with delight.

My Thoughts: Jack has a lot of nerve telling Mike ‘you sold us out’. He lost his career thanks to Phyllis – why wouldn’t he go work for Newman? It’s not like Jabot offered him anything … How can Lauren tell that Chelsea’s new collection is ‘extraordinary’ – viewing it on a TABLET? You can’t tell anything about texture, the flow of a frock unless you see it on the catwalk. But of course Fenmore’s customers will love it – Chelsea 2.0 seems to be the only clothing option in town. I’m surprised we don’t see 2 or 3 women wearing the same outfit at any given time. And why aren’t Chelsea and Lauren meeting in the boutique instead of taking up seats in the restaurant (without even ordering anything) … ‘Sorry, the place is kinda a wreck’ Adam says as he picks up a grand total of four toys conveniently placed at the bottom of the stairs … Why is Sharon surprised that Dylan’s going to the coffee house? Doesn’t he still own it? … If Victor’s life is in such danger, why isn’t he in protective custody with the child molesters and snitches? Oh wait, Ian’s a child molester – why isn’t HIS life in danger? And why is the prison shrouded in darkness? Perhaps the inmates would be safer if some fluorescent lighting was installed … Odd that there’s no reporters pestering Mike (who’s past crimes are supposedly all over the tabloids)… Why is it only Vikki’s decision whether to accept or reject Jack’s offer? Shouldn’t the board be consulted? … Victor tells Ian to go back to his cell ‘if you have one’. Huh? Why wouldn’t Ian have a cell? … Nikki’s alcoholism is once again being handled so irresponsibly. Maybe if she’s given a seat on the board, she’ll jump back on the wagon, like Neil. Alcoholics/addicts in GC don’t need a 12 step program, they just need a distraction. Pretty gross that she drank from a glass without even knowing who else drank from it.