Wednesday, May 11th

Ben’s proud that Max was honest with the doctor. This is just the beginning. I said sorry, Max wants to go home (and isn’t happy to hear he’ll have to stay at the hospital for a while) You’re a liar! I hate you! Max runs – straight into Paul and the social worker (who hustle the screaming kid off)

Of course Mariah’s welcome to stay here, Sharon was just thinking of her social life. This is exactly where I want to be. Mariah’s happy Sharon trusts her with her secrets ~hug~

Kevin shows up at Sharon’s to give Mariah her keys – what’s going on with Natalie has nothing to do with you and me. He’s sorry he acted like a jerk – come home – pretty please. This is my home – and I have a tea party with Faith to get to, Mariah won’t budge. Kevin leaves the keys – your room will be waiting for you.

Ben isn’t pleased to find Abby in his suite – he wants to be alone. I’m your wife, Abby reminds. I just had to tell my boy that he has to stay at the hospital, Ben sulks. How’d we get here? Just go, please. I love you, Abby says and goes over to give Ben a hug.

Neil’s not afraid for himself – confessing would be a relief. But the police would also charge Devon. Neville and Ashley’s research would go up in smoke. So Hilary wins, Lily’s pissed. Neil begs Lily to stay quiet. Lily will – for Devon. And she’ll never look at her Father the same way again – ever!


As Hilary offers to let Jack cry on her shoulder, Lily marches over to call her a backstabbing, lying, cheating skank! (and toss a glass of water in her face)

This is the last time Phyllis will come here. Billy won’t let her leave – you came back – slapped me because Fiona was here. You want to be here – with me – you know it. They kiss passionately on the staircase.

Next: Adam tells Chelsea that Victor’s so busy holding all the cards, he doesn’t realize I’ve got an ace up my sleeve…. Victor hopes that one day he’ll be in a position where he can reconcile with his family. You will, Dr Gates puts her hand over his … Clothes come off as Billy and Phyllis take it upstairs.