Monday, September 5th

Chloe comes home to find Nick with Chelsea. She had to go out for some air. Hearing that Adam’s dead, Chloe hugs her BFF. I’m so sorry, she lies.

Travis also plays nice with Billy (who’s there to tell Vikki that he’s not interested in going out of town with her) He thinks Travis should go – show Vikki a good time. Meanwhile, Jill calls Cane – stop packing – Billy and Vikki can handle this trip alone.

Ashley and Phyllis console Jack – they know how much Adam meant to him. He blames Victor. Oh God – poor Chelsea and Connor. Yes, he’ll be there for them- they deserve all the support they can get.

Chloe will do everything she can to help Chelsea get through this. We’ll figure it out together. She then asks Nick whether the police suspect Victor. No, for now it’s over. Chelsea then goes up to be with Connor.

Victor thinks to himself – I did this. I wanted you and your family to go far away from here. Vikki arrives to hug her Dad – who sighs on her shoulder.

So now Travis has Billy’s approval? You have something better to do with your time? Yes, yes I do, Billy agrees.

Ashley gives Jack one more peck and cheesy line – then leaves Phyllis to agree – Adam knew how much you loved him.

Dylan’s alarmed to find Paul taking down the Adam Newman whiteboard – the explosion was accidental. But Victor was behind framing Adam. Paul has no proof – sometimes it’s best to let things go. What if Dylan can’t?

Victor blames himself – Adam’s death was my fault. No, it wasn’t Vikki consoles. Don’t leave me, Victor weeps. Vikki won’t – it’s going to be OK.

Nick hands Chloe coffee as both listen over the baby monitor as Chelsea coos to her sweet, sweet boy – we were lucky to have such a wonderful time with Daddy. You made him the happiest person in the world. We can’t let those memories go. Oh Connor – Daddy’s not coming home.

Next: What a beautiful way to honour Adam’s memory, Nikki gives Nick a hug … Jack’s not happy about it as he tells Phyllis – I’m going to this memorial service and I will acknowledge Victor’s loss … If you want to start a new life with Connor somewhere else, I will not stand in your way, Victor tells Chelsea (as Chloe eavesdrops)