Friday, September 9th

Dylan doesn’t want any more games – Sharon blurted out that she’s afraid Victor will blow everything up. Going up to tend to a crying Sully, Dylan makes it clear that he’s not letting this go and want the truth from Mariah.

Collin and Billy fuss over Jill (now in a hospital bed) Get out, she orders Billy – you’ve done enough. After Ben sends both men out, Jill worries she’s had a heart attack. No, it’s acid reflux.

Victor doesn’t want to talk about JackAbbott with Summer – he was cordial at Adam’s service but life goes on. Back to hating each other? Summer wants them to call a truce. Victor’s sure it won’t last (and recalls Paragon) But don’t worry, he has no plan for revenge against Jack.

Jack wants to start over with complete honesty and professional help. Phyllis weeps – I don’t deserve you. Jack’s also in tears – I need you, I need this marriage. Whaddaya say? Are you in? Yes, Phyllis nods. Thank you for not giving up on me. Never, Jack vows ~hug~

Summer joins Abby at CL’s. Did you talk to Stitch? Yes, he wants to have a baby. What did Abby say? Nothing – they’ll talk again later. But, how can Abby say no?

Ben assures Jill that she has a lot of years ahead – sign these papers and you’re free to go. Jill’s tired and wants to stay. Ben needs the room. OK, send Collin and Billy in but don’t tell them anything.

Waiting in the hall, Billy and Collin butt heads until Ben sends them into Jill’s room. She tells them that the ‘episode’ was brought on by stress. Billy blames himself. Jill pours it on as if she’s on her deathbed – reminding Billy of his harsh words (which he wishes he could take back) If this is the end … I’m so tired, Jill murmurs weakly. Rest, Billy will leave Collin to watch over his Mom.

You gave us quite a scare, Collin asks what the doctor said. So many words, so many medications, Jill joins in with Collin’s laughter then shushes him.

Sharon’s back from her walk for a scolding from Mariah – find a cover story to stick to or tell Dylan the truth. He’s not going to … When Dylan comes down, Sharon tells him that he’s right – she has been keeping secrets from him. Mariah looks worried.

Back at CL’s, Abby tells Summer that Ben thinks they can get back what they lost – but she’s not so sure. Do you want to? Tell Ben how you feel. Summer wishes she’d seen past Luca’s lies. Honesty is the only way to overcome more heartache.

At the club, Jack calls to make an appointment with a couples therapist tomorrow. Well done, Victor appears to approve of him and Phyllis finally getting some help.

Phyllis drops by Billy’s (at his request) He relays that Jill may have had a heart attack. Whatever happened, it was scary and brought on by stress. As far as she’s concerned, we’re done. We are, Phyllis clarifies – for real – this is goodbye.

When Abby returns to GCM, Ben assumes she’s there to talk about having a baby. She needs more time – our marriage needs to be in a better place. Ben knows they have things to work on but a baby will bring us closer. You don’t see the same relationship I do, Abby thought he wanted to talk about separating.