Thursday, April 6th

This story won’t stay secret for long – Devon at her side, Mariah tells Scott that she loves Kevin; he’s her best friend. You have no facts – the confession is hearsay, Scott argues. Putting out half a story is wrong. Conceding, Mariah appreciates the advice. Devon, however, wonders if Scott just wants the scoop for himself.

Kevin asks Ester if she’ll take care of Bella. Yes, of course she will – until Chloe comes back to straighten out this horrible misunderstanding. After Ester goes to deal with the caterers, Gloria dotes on Kevin; reassuring him that Chloe didn’t lie about loving him – she’s not well and needs help.

Nick’s followed Chloe to a private airport; dark and foggy – it seems she’s looking around for someone.

Back at the estate, Lauren and Scott discuss Chloe – she seemed so normal. They know Kevin won’t accept it until he hears it from Chloe herself. Paul updates – there’s no sign of Chloe. She’s not dangerous, Kevin’s sure – she only wanted to hurt Adam. Please don’t hurt her. Aside, Father Todd and Paul exchange I love you’s (though Todd seems to have something on his mind as he exits) Scott comes over to ask Paul how Chloe could have pulled off such a grand explosion – did she have help? Paul intends to find out.

A frantic Chelsea shows up at Sharon’s looking for Nick – he was right all along! Chloe’s as twisted as he thought she was.

Finally! Chloe calls out as a shadowy figure walks towards her and takes her arm. Nick’s stunned to see that it’s Victor who leads her into a building.

Next: You’re hiding something from me – and you’re helping her, Hilary accuses Mariah and Devon … Nick sneaks through a door marked Flight Crew — and watches as Chloe updates Victor – Chelsea found the evidence … we framed Adam… That implicates you too.