Tuesday, April 11th

Chelsea meets Nick at the ranch – I’m so sorry. Nick gives her a hug; he doesn’t blame Chelsea for defending her friend. Yeah, we’re good ~hug~ Chelsea just saw Victor; he’s crushed and has a team out looking for Chloe. Chelsea’s very eager to help bring her back. Nick, not so much.

Victor’s surprised to find Nikki in his office. Uh oh, her hands are on her hips, her lips are pursed. This can’t be good. He knows he made a mistake bringing that lunatic back into town then switches gears to Chelsea’s visit – we need to help her and protect Connor; family means everything to me. Get it printed on a T-shirt! Nikki scoffs. You may find a way to forgive yourself but you won’t get it from me! she vows.

Now alone with Jack in the office, Phyllis is in a hostile mood. Gloria?! Really? GLORIA (she lists her crimes against his Father and Jabot) You jumped on the first leather bustier that came your way? Yes, it’s called fun, Jack’s unapologetic.

Nick thinks them getting involved might mess up the investigation. Chelsea agrees – now to focus on Connor – and you and me ~hug~

Nikki wishes she didn’t help get Victor out of prison. I’m DONE with forgiveness. You betrayed your family. I’ll never enable you again. Your reign as the King of the Newman family ends today. We’re not going to the police – to protect the family. To the outside world, we’ll be the close-knit loving Newman family – but behind closed doors you are no longer a member of this family, Nikki snarls and slams out.

Next: Perfect, Hilary says as a staffer hangs up a poster of her on the wall. What is she up to now? Mariah wonders to Devon … Who knows how long it’ll be before SHE cracks and tries to get us to forgive Dad, Nick wonders to Vikki … Victor wags his finger at Nikki – you have poisoned Nicholas and Victoria against me but I’ll be damned if you’ll poison my grandchildren against me.

My Thoughts: Yet again we hear someone refer to Chloe as an ‘arsonist’ (amongst other not inaccurate adjectives) which always strikes me as odd since Kevin was also an arsonist. Old-timers will remember that Gina Romalotti had her own restaurant before Kevin burnt it to the ground. She then bacame manager of the GCAC …. Oh puh-lease Nikki. Your stands against Victor never last long. And are we really expected to believe that THIS would be the one too many that would overthrow the Newman dynasty? Taking Brash n Sassy down with it? And what’s in it for Nick? Are we expected to believe Underground will be boycotted too? Whatever would Nick and Vikki do without their businesses? Oh right – live off their 500 million they sued Dad for… If Nikki’s acting to protect the family, what kind of environment does she think she’ll be providing Faith if she and Victor are at war behind closed doors; a hostile environment, a toxic, emotionally abusive environment. Why bother living a charade when they’ve already split up a dozen times? … Are we expected to believe that everyone just so happened to have GC Buzz tuned in to the TV and/or computer? Or do they get alerts on their phones that a show’s coming on? Why aren’t the police talking to Chelsea?