Thursday, April 27th

Lily leans across Cane to ask how Juliet likes GC. She’s too busy to miss Tokyo. What does she look for in a man? Handsome and worldly. Rich, Hilary adds. Of course you’d say that, Lily snipes then suggests Ravi. Hey, why not? Juliet agrees. As she and Lily go over, Billy asks Cane what’s wrong – afraid Juliet will find someone else to moon over. Cane tells Billy to go back to sucking up to Vikki.

Thinking it’s getting too crowded, Phyllis bolts from the table – leaving Lily and Juliet to fawn over Ravi (who clearly has no interest in anyone other than Ashley; who thinks he should go out with Juliet)

Jordan at her side, Hilary comes over to tell Devon that their marriage had some good times. Go back to celebrating the end of our marriage. She’s not on a date, she’s there for work (which Jordan doesn’t like much)

Phyllis watches as Vikki stands to address the BnS team (singling Billy out for supporting her from day one – and Hilary; to friends an family, they all clink glasses (even Lily and Hilary) Billy gets a text from Phyllis, to meet him in the coat check room.

The masseurs gone, Chelsea undoes Nick’s robe – maybe she can make him feel better. Yes, it’s working ~kiss~

Ashley encourages Ravi to date – he might meet someone to start a family with. Maybe Ravi doesn’t want kids. He’s game for whatever the universe throws at him. And no, Ashley’s not in the way. After she leaves Ravi with the bill, he hands it over to Phyllis at the bar (who leaves it behind)

As Phyllis follows Billy out, Ashley and Juliet spar in the ladies room. She recognizes Jabot’s eyeshadow on Hilary, perfume on Juliet and Vikki has a Jabot compact. After Ashley leaves in triumph, the BnS team are left to heave a collective sigh.

In the coat room, Phyllis and Billy kiss. Cane hovers outside listening.

Photo album between them, Nikki and Jack reminisce about their marriage; the obstacles in their way. We had some wonderful years, thye agree. Victor walks in to find Jack’s arm around Nikki.

A tipsy Lily laughs as she lands in Jordan’s lap (which Hilary scowls at) Still in the bathroom, Juliet promises never to wear the competition’s perfume again. Vikki jokes, then confides that Billy thinks it too late to reconcile (she doesn’t)

Phyllis is sorry that Nikki’s sick but wants Billy to tell Vikki about them anyway. Cane listens as Billy swears that Phyllis is the only woman in his life.

Next: Hilary slithers up to Lily with a warning; careful – hands off …. Victor tells Nikki that he understands why Nick and Vikki are turning their backs on him, but thought she of all people wouldn’t understand him … Gloria and I …. Jack almost shouts at Ashley. No! she replies in horror.