Tuesday, September 5th

Lily gets on the elevator Hilary’s exiting. I’m on my way to have a photoshoot, with Jordan, she gloats. You should think less about Jordan and more about what you’re doing to your family – you’re a big, fat hypocrite, Hilary snarls.

You can’t stand that Jordan and I are friends, Lily’s amused and denies the accusation that she’s a ‘damsel in distress’ torturing Cane. He’d cut off an arm to make you happy, Hilary comments on Lily inviting Jordan to have dinner with Cane’s kids. Lily seems thrown off by how much Hilary knows. You want to keep Cane on a string while leaning on dear friend Jordan – push Cane hard enough and that string will snap, and Juliet will be happy to catch him, Hilary warns and clip-clops off as Lily sulks in the elevator.

Now alone, Cane and Juliet are happy that ‘he’s’ OK. She has no idea how to raise a son. You’ll get the hang of it – your baby’s healthy, Cane smiles. I love him so much already, Juliet blubbers. Cane has little choice but to hug her.

Updated that Vikki and Billy went back to school shopping and to Fenmore’s, Phyllis assumes they’ll be taking Johnny together tomorrow. Her assumption is ignored as Billy and Vikki laugh about their adorable son. I guess you had to be there, Vikki turns to Phyllis.

Shown a photo of Crystal on Tessa’s phone, Noah thinks she looks so happy – I can’t wait to meet her. Across the gym, Zack gets a good news text from Alice; a photo of Rainbow Girl. She’s back and ready to work. ‘Can’t wait to meet. Got big plans for her’ Zack replies.

Nick respects Sharon’s instincts. He’s not totally sold but agrees it needs more checking into. Good because Alice will be back – her car won’t make it far (Sharon pulls out a huge screwdriver)

Next: Hilary smirks as she spies Reed and Mattie kissing outside the CL’s patio …. Jordan has some words for Cane – if Lily wants to talk to someone it’s up to her, not you …. Lily gently tells Charlie that ‘even if your Dad gets the perfect job I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for him to move back home’

My Thoughts: Uh, I thought the new and improved Sharon was all about law and order now; she balked at Scott illegally gaining Alice’s information and didn’t want the nosy neighbour to call the police on them. Yet she’s OK with puncturing Alice’s tire (which I’d have liked to have seen. It’s not that easy. And oh yeah, it’s against the law) Of course the brilliant Sharon shows Nick the screwdriver in the middle of the bar instead of taking him back to the office. There’s probably a nice, clear video of her vandalism too … Doesn’t Hilary have a show to direct, produce and star in for a whole Hour each day? Or does the show just come on when there’s a juicy 30 second clip to air? It doesn’t seem like Chelsea will have any reason to provide Hilary an exclusive wardrobe. I can’t imagine anyone watches … So wait, after all that (justified) panic over the Paragon virus that played havoc with Jabot and Newman and talk about how super concerned Jack is about cyber security – and access to Jabot’s servers doesn’t automatically time out after a specified time? Ha ha ha ha (deep inhale) ha ha ha ha. And this is with computer geniuses Ravi and Phyllis on the payroll. Even computers and phones time out after a stretch of inactivity … Why are Tessa and Noah sitting in the middle of the gym floor talking like they’re on a picnic at the lake? If you’re not in a yoga class, roll your little mats out at home where no one will trip or sweat on you.