Tuesday, September 19th

Victor tells Kevin that Nick tried to sabotage his Mom’s concert. If you don’t believe me, go ask Hilary – Nick admitted it on tape. Kevin finds it hard to believe but remembers that Chloe was ‘hunted down like a dog’ by Nick. Things would be so different if it weren’t for him.

Chelsea’s sure that if Lily’s ever ready to cut things off with Cane, she’ll let Jordan know. We’ve both been good at keeping people at a distance (due to being cons) Chelsea now warns Jordan to protect his heart. Appreciating the good advice, Jordan’s on his way out when Nick comes in. Now alone, Nick appreciates Chelsea being willing to watch Christian while he’s away – the cousins will grow up like brothers ~hug~

Still in therapy, Cane continues to pressure Lily then confesses that he cheated after getting very drunk. It just happened, once – he never had a romantic feeling towards this woman. I love you, he turns to Lily to say he’ll regret his mistake the rest of his life. The therapist acknowledges Cane’s ‘solid step’. But it’s more than one mistake, Lily was humiliated by Cane lying until caught on tape. It’s insensitive and inadequate to say he made ‘one mistake’.

No, Hilary does NOT need Jordan’s help with the weights but is glad to hear things are back on track at BnS. Things are good – wouldn’t you agree? she probes. Without responding, Jordan attends to his workout then jumps up to spot/instruct Hilary as she’s struggling to benchpress about 10 lbs. Hilary wastes no time letting it be known that Lily and Cane are seeing a therapist today.

Cane knows he should have come clean right away – he doesn’t even remember the meaningless night and didn’t want to lose his wife. He turns to Lily to apologize – I know we can get past this (like he did Lily’s affair) Lily ran into Juliet today; a constant reminder of what Cane did – and that she can never carry his child because she had cancer. That’s why it’s so hard. Cane seems puzzled – you wanted me to take responsibility. You shut me out while inviting Jordan in (I watched him join you and the kids for dinner)

Faith will be staying with Sharon, but both feel she’s coming along. Based on her reaction, her seeing Victor while staying at the ranch won’t be an issue (though Nick takes no pleasure in that)

Over a drink, Victor continues to tell Kevin how Nick destroyed his relationship with Faith – he filled her ears with all sorts of stuff. Now Nick wants to turn Noah against him. Only Ester was supposed to know that Kevin’s in town but Mike saw him. Assuring he covered without mentioning Victor, Kevin wants to know what his assignment is.

Nick tells Chelsea that he’s not concerned about Victor (he’s taken precautions because one must always expect the unexpected) How about a family dinner – the boys, Faith, Noah – Nick will do all the cooking and cleaning. Chelsea’s in ~kiss~ This will be their last evening together before Nick and Noah dead to Ann Arbor.