Friday, October 6th

Nick informs Sharon that Victor stole what he believes is his money. There’s no point gointo the police – Dad’s smart, he covered his tracks. It was more of a message. What will you do? Sharon asks. Make some changes, Nick sighs.

Wondering why Jack would want to hold Ashley’s dinner at Top of The Tower, Hilary lists all the bad things that have happened there (some of which aired on her show) Like her pal Jack, Hilary doesn’t care what other people think. She will feature Ashley’s award on her show – but be warned, it’ll be covered just like any other story.

Something’s been bothering Billy – Vikki said you two ‘had words’. More than that, Phyllis relays that Vikki tried to shake her faith in Billy; undermine what we share. Billy knows no one can come between them. Phyllis goes up to shower – but stands on the stairs to see if Billy will go for her open laptop.

Still at the Ashby’s, Vikki and Lily have a good chat. As teenagers, Vikki ran away with Ryan – Lily ran off with Daniel. Vikki just wants to know where her kid is and who he’s with – wouldn’t you? she asks Lily. Across the room, Mattie wonders what they’re talking about. They don’t look mad. They don’t look happy either. Lily and Vikki jointly announce that Mattie and Reed can see each other – as long as they follow the rules. Hugs for all. Wait, what about Mr Ashby? Reed worries. Vikki’s sure Lily will work that out with Cane.

Cane drops by Juliet’s suite to apologize for his Dad – he’s exuberant about being a grandfather. It was sweet, Juliet says. Cane informs that he’s going out of town on business but Juliet and the baby will be in his thoughts – so call or text if you need anything. After an awkward good bye, Juliet closes the door – and winces in pain.

Dad thinks everything I’ve accomplished is because of him, Nick tells Sharon that he’ll prove him wrong. When Hilary arrives, Nick has something to tell her that she’s gonna want to hear about.

We’ll still hang out, Tessa says. It won’t be the same, Mariah sniffs (then looks utterly devastated as Tessa hugs her and carries her bags out) Now alone, Mariah sits to sob.

As Phyllis watches, Billy drinks his beer – but when Phyllis’ laptop beeps again (an alert she’s sending), he takes a seat to log on. Phyllis appears to lure Billy upstairs. Your computer pinged, he says causually. That’s work – this is play, Phyllis leads the way to the shower.

Next: Here I am. Right on time. I’m dying to hear what you want to tell me, Hilary marches into CL’s to meet Nick (and Chelsea) … Graham Davis, Graham Davis, Traci repeats thoughtfully as she looks at a yearbook photo….. Is everything OK? Billy asks. Actually no, it’s not, Phylis looks sad.