Monday, November 13th

The Abbott’s know Abby wouldn’t go with Zack willingly. She could have called out for help, Vikki says. After you pulled the rug out from under her??? Jack takes exception to a lesson on ethics from Victor. Nikki’s had enough bickering – Abby belongs to ALL of us. It’s OUR duty to bring her home safely.

Back at CL’s, Sharon doesn’t want to talk about Scott because Nick thinks he’s a jerk. She then breaks into tears, afraid something bad happened to him; he hasn’t called all day. My feelings for him are stronger than I realized. Scott broke down my defenses. I don’t know how I’d deal with something happening to him.

Nikki’s horrified that Vikki thinks Abby would knowingly get involved in a front for prostitution. Love makes people irrational, Vikki knows from experience. Abby worked very closely with Zack – how could she not know? If she didn’t, she’s very naive. We have to consider everything. Nikki’s troubled by Vikki’s attitude – You don’t have enough love in your heart to have faith in your sister? She then warns Vikki not to let going back to NE destroy her soul.

All are still gathered in Victor’s office debating what to do. Offering ransom will bring in all the kooks, Jack says. You have a better idea? Victor will offer 5 million. Jack will match that – 10 million for Abby’s safe return.

Sharon thanks Nick for restraining himself. Scott’s a lucky guy – but I can’t stand him, Nick jokes. Leaving, he assures Sharon that he’ll always be there for her (as she will for him) ~hug~

At GCM with Dina, Mike leaves a message for Jack – your Mother’s test results won’t be in for a few days so we’re headed for your place. Is there anything I can get you before I take you home? he asks. When he wonders where Dina ended up last night, she replies ‘roadside’

Special agent Ryerson arrives at Victor’s office – suspecting the company is associated with a sex trafficking ring she has a warrant to seize all NE’s computers and freeze the company’s assets. All are stunned.

Next: Abby tells Scott – You’re wrong. Help IS coming. My family will not rest until we are found …. Lily frowns across the desk at Vikki – Your sister’s missing and you’re gonna throw her under the bus? ….We may have got our first break, Paul tells Sharon. Finally – what is it???? GPS coordinates of Scott’s last phone call.