Thursday, April 13th

Nick reminds Faith that staying at the ranch was temporary – it’s time she moved in with him or Mom. It’s time to get things back to normal. Go pack – you’re moving home tonight. Without further word, Faith runs off.

Vikki knows Billy didn’t help Chloe – that he’d never hurt anyone for revenge. You’re imagining things – let’s go get Reed’s gift. This party is all that matters.

Behind the bar, Noah calls Nikki over – everything OK? Yes, she’s just anxious that everyone have a good time. Noah and Tessa flirt awkwardly until he bolts.

Kendall leads the party guests into clapping and shouting ‘Reed! Reed! Reed!’ Taking the stage, he mumbles that his guitar’s broken. On cue, Vikki hands him a new one (the very one he’s wanted) Billy’s given partial credit and all smile as Reed takes the stage to play.

Performance over, Reed thinks his guitar amazing. You’re amazing, Vikki’s so proud of him. Thanking her and Billy, Reed’s sent off to be with his friends. Vikki eyes Zoey – wish I could prevent Reed from getting hurt. When Billy gently points out that she sounds like her Dad, Vikki huffs off.

In the main house, Nick’s looking at a photo of Chelsea and Connor on his phone when Victor comes in to warn that he won’t give Nick another shot at him. He’s also not happy to hear that Faith’s moving out tonight. You’re taking your anger out on your child? Yeah, like you did with Adam, Nick accuses. As if you give a damn, Victor snarls.

Back at Mike’s, Kevin talks about Chloe – all the signs he missed. Was any of it real? Did she ever love me? Scott thinks so. Kevin still loves Chloe – he wasn’t even able to track her down. But never mind that – you and Phyllis!? What the hell!?

Still at CL’s, Jack tells Sharon the he’s earned the right to want revenge on Victor; who hasn’t paid nearly enough for his crimes. Phyllis comes in to agree – I say let the bastard burn.

Coffee in hand, Phyllis joins Jack and Sharon’s table. She’ll go to her grave wanting revenge on Victor for what he did to her. Sharon shakes her head – honestly you two. She denies that Faith’s being ‘held hostage’ at the ranch – Victor and Faith have a wonderful relationship. Phyllis sees no reason to give up on revenge on Victor. Why indeed, Jack looks at her with new interest.

Back at Underground, Abby and Billy watch Reed chatting with Zoey – he’s coming into his own. They both noticed Nikki’s on edge, but for a Newman gathering this is a success. When Vikki joins Reed, Zoey and Kendall, she nixes him driving Zoey to Madison for a concert. Aside, Reed says he’s not mad at his Mom’s decision but wishes she’d said she need the car instead of making him look like a child. And please give Zoey a chance.

Billy praises Nikki for throwing a good party – does Vikki seem stressed out to you? It seems like something’s going on that he doesn’t know about. Noah and Tessa interrupt. Tessa’s left to chat with Billy about leaving things up to fate. Not everyone can let go, Billy looks across the room at Vikki.

Nikki asks Noah why he hasn’t asked Tessa out. He’s worried he won’t have the same connection he did with Marisa. Nikki encourages him to move on ~hug~

Victor warns Nick that going back on his promise will create distance between him and Faith. She feels safe here. Nick won’t have his daughter influenced by Victor – stay away from Chelsea and Connor too. You’re the reason his Dad’s dead. If Chelsea knew you’d never see Connor again. Christian too. YOU’RE going to protect Christian? Victor balks.

Nick doesn’t want his son around Victor – he barely knows you. I’m your Father and his grandfather, nothing can change that, Victor asserts. You don’t deserve to know them, Nick marches upstairs to get his daughter. Victor gets a call. Go ahead as planned, he hangs up and looks sad.

Kendall approaches Vikki to kiss her ass – not letting Reed drive to the concert was the right call. Reed’s lucky to have a friend like you, Vikki appreciates the support. Kendall turns around to glare at the sight of Reed kissing Zoey.

Noah asks Tessa if she wants to hang out sometime. Agreeing, Tessa thinks she better leave lest she wear out her welcome. Not gonna happen, Noah walks her out.