Wednesday, October 11th

After some debate over whether Dina should speak, she thanks Ashley (and is cheered on by Abby) Dina tears up about leaving GC and her children. It’s all water under the bridge, Ashley tries to cut Dina off. Things escalate quickly. Ashley snaps at Graham (and her Mother for defending him) I don’t have all the answers but I know the who, the what – just not the why. Do you really want to do this here? Graham asks. ‘You bet’ Ashley replies.

Back at BnS, Vikki and Nikki both hope Nick’s wrong about this – did you drain his account? they ask Victor. Why would I need his money? Victor asks. To punish him, Nikki suspects – then blasts Nick for giving away his money. Sure, give some to charity – but your whole trust fund? Nick has his own money, his expanding business – his kids are taken care of. He’s donating the trust fund to Jack and Neil’s foundation; they’ll do something good with it. Victor smirks.

Ashley asks all to stay put while she gets answers from Graham. That woman he’s supporting is his Mother, not his Aunt, she tells Dina. Merna Bloodworth lived in GC – Graham was raised here; went to Walnut Grove – as Graham Davis. How am I doing so far? she snarls at Graham (who thinks she’s had too much champagne) But when Ashley continues, Graham finally stands to say shout back ‘you’re right. I needed revenge. You have no idea how your Mother destroyed my life!’ Dina’s both devastated and astounded.

Vikki, Chelsea and Nikki reluctantly leave Nick and Victor in the office to hash it out. Chelsea rants about Victor emptying his son’s bank account. It’s crazy and mean. He hired someone to break the law for him! Nick’s putting an end to it – cutting Victor off at the knees. Nikki sets Chelsea straight – no one cuts Victor off at the knees. Nick’s just escalated the war.

Nick thinks it makes a lot of sense to have cut the last connection between them. Victor thinks Nick threw away a lot of money; a lot of protection. Protection from what? Nick asks. Yourself, son.

Graham now has the floor – Dina wasn’t the only woman Brent Davis ever looked at – she wasn’t even the best, that would be MY Mother. Brent Davis was my stepfather – he made us a family – until Dina stuck her claws into him. You were always on the prowl ready to steal another woman’s man! Brent left his wife and a kid who worshipped him to go back to Dina. You didn’t want him but you took him anyway! Dina doesn’t understand – this is all about Ashley’s Father? Brent Davis? As all are stunned even more silent, Graham lifts up his champagne glass – to Ashley, the untrue Abbott.

Next: Doing what you did, just to spite Dad? It’s certifiable, Vikki tells Nick (with Chelsea at the penthouse) … Dina cries – enough. Ashley claps – bravo, let’s hear it for Graham. Let’s go, he turns reaches for Dina. I’m staying, she shrugs him off. Get the hell out before I have security drag you out, Ashley threatens Graham.