Tuesday, January 16th

Lily asks her cab driver to go faster – she needs to catch a flight. Cane calls her but the connection is lost. He tries again but Lily’s phone goes to voicemail. Abby’s sure she didn’t hang up on Cane. I have to stop her, he runs out (leaving Abby to shout that he’s not going to make it in this traffic)

At the counter with Sharon and Noah, Mariah looks over and wonders what Devon and Tessa are having such a tense conversation about.

Devon tells Tessa that her song downloads spiked then dropped off; they need more hits to build a fan base and keep the momentum going You’re thinking of dropping me? Tessa pales. Though not denying it, Devon claims to believe in Tessa. Think of this as a creative challenge, he says and exits.

Understanding Jack’s concern, Mike can only reassure him that after the hearing he won’t have to worry about Graham. After Mike leaves, Dina calls from her bedroom. Oh Jackie – please tell me that John isn’t dead! I need to hear you say he’s alive. Graham comes in to scold Dina for getting herself all worked up and hangs up the phone – you asked me to take you away from your children. I’m doing what you made me promise you, he insists that he’s always been honest with her. I promised to take care of you the rest of your life. I never break promises.

‘Plus rapide’, Cane says as his cab speeds to the airport. Aller, aller, he pesters the driver to go faster.

Scott? Leaving Cane’s suite, Abby’s stunned to bump into the man she flew an ocean across to get away from. And he flew across the ocean to apologize – and talk. Champagne glass in hand, Abby walks off. If we’re going to do this I need more champagne.

Cane arrives at the airport huffing and puffing like he’s just run a marathon. Lily! I had to come – let’s finish everything we started. But Lily switched her ticket… and what about the kids? Don’t get on that plan. Please stay, Cane pleads.

Jack’s now at the suite demanding Graham let him in. Dina appears to ask what’s going on and is delighted to see ‘John’ ~hug~ I told you he wasn’t dead, she tells Graham (but writes it off as a misunderstanding) That’s Jack, Graham tries to set Dina straight. The doctors say not to contradict her, Jack warns Graham that he’ll be ousted in 2 days. You’ve played your last card.

Abby’s brought Scott to the same restaurant she and Lily were at earlier. Scott admits that it was more than sex in the storage unit. He has feelings for Abby too. I’m building up to something. Vikki won’t let me work anywhere but from Newman. My Mom won’t buy Hashtag. I did all that because me being at Newman would affect the way you do your job. Abby’s insulted; you think your mere presence … I quit, Scott interrupts. He expected Abby to ask him to stay on at Newman. Abby has a better idea.

Cane and Lily are back in his suite. I was wrong to tell you not to come to Paris, Cane admits he was scared he’d lose Lily. She feels that everything’s so stressful; Juliet, the baby, even our kiss – nothing’s simple anymore. Cane feels it is simple – I want you, do you want me? Lily doesn’t answer. Cane’s sorry he lied to cover up what happened with Juliet. He traveled 6,000 miles to make things right. He raced to the airport – literally ran the rest of the way when his cab was stuck in traffic. It must be fate that he caught her. We have a chance to fix everything I broke. I want you – do you still want me? he repeats.

Tessa’s frantically trying to write a new song when Noah asks Mariah to go give her some encouragement and wonders what happened to their friendship. When Noah goes for a refill, Mariah tells Tessa that if she wants to avoid this tension she should convince Noah that we’re better off not being friends. Tessa insists things are going well with Noah. OK – we’ll both smile and Noah will think everything’s cool. Mariah then goes to the patio to do some writing of her own. Tessa follows – you’re writing?

Having calmed his Mother down, Jack’s glad they got things cleared up. It doesn’t matter how Graham got everything all wrong. Now exhausted, Dina goes to her room to rest. At the door, Jack warns Graham that he’s about to have his marriage and power of attorney revoked. You’ll also be written out of her will. Hope you saved your pennies – you’re gonna need em.

Abby ends a call with her Dad to announce that Victor’s agreed to sell Hashtag to Scott and let him pay for it over time. Why is Abby helping Scott? Because the story about the sex ring restored her reputation and she wants him to bring down more creeps like Zack – and relocate to any other city. OK, Scott’s always loved London. You’re gonna miss me. Not as much as you’re gonna miss me, they clink wine glasses.

On the balcony of Cane’s suite, Lily knows that he must be disappointed that she can’t give him an answer. Cane’s just glad she’s still there. Lily worries that Mattie may not be able to forgive Cane – she may resent us getting back together. Cane has hope. You’re our foundation. Great, put it all on me, Lily goes to sulk inside.