Tuesday, August 14th

Victor saw Nick leave in a hurry – everything alright? Just a business meeting, Sharon shrugs it off. Victor knows Nick doesn’t want to be anything like him but there are certain rules in big business that can’t be ignored. You have to eat it, breathe it, live it. I’m sure you’ve seen changes in Nick already. Sharon knows what Victor’s trying to do – and it won’t work.

Frankly, Mike would be worried if Lily wasn’t. You plead guilty to avoid an expensive trial. Chris will look favorably on that when she writes her recommendation. Prison isn’t mandatory. Mike will negotiate for a light sentence; a fine, license suspension, probation, home arrest, community service but Lily should still use this time to get her affairs in order and prepare her family. So, hope for the best but expect the worst, Lily concludes.

Sharon knows that Victor’s trying to use her to play head games with Nick. No, Victor’s sharing insight from his experience and wishes Nick the best (which would reflect well on the Newman name) He then asks about his grandkids. Dropping her guard, Sharon gushes about Christian and points out that Nick isn’t like you. He’s building a company to compete with mine, Victor finds that ironic. Give my grandson a kiss from me and one from his Father.

Summer balks at being lectured on responsibility. Phyllis is just trying to save Billy from acting on his worst instincts. His impulses are what make him the fun, unpredictable, wildly creative man he is – why would you want to change that? And why didn’t Billy trust you enough to be honest? Summer answers her own question – you’ve changed and Billy feels it. Billy and I are fine, Phyllis insists. Then why’d you cheat on him? Summer drops the bomb – I know what you did, when and who you did it with!

Next: Nick takes control …. Phyllis makes a distress call …. Lily tries to make amends.

My Thoughts: I guess when saying that Devon has the resources to find Lily and her family, Mike really means ‘money’. But all of Victor’s resources and money don’t seem to be helping him find JT or Chelsea and Connor … Great idea Cane – run off to Australia; it certainly wouldn’t be the first place the authorities would look. Why not pick a country that doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US …. If Mike really wants to speak ‘frankly’ to Lily, he should tell her that as an officer of the law, the oath he took obligates him to report that his client might be a flight risk….. That rooftop massage eyesore is so out of place. It completely fails at privacy and provides absolutely no view. Who wants to hear the septuagenarian Victor moaning when his masseuse hits the sweet spot? Or Sharon and Nick oohing and aahing over hors-d’oeuvres. Shouldn’t there be a ‘no food’ sign posted? Who wants to eat off a table sweaty people are receiving massages on? What if a kid throws a beach ball over the top? … And why are Sharon and Nick conducting food tasting on the rooftop? The kitchen is on the ground floor. But why eat hot and fresh appetizers when you can send it up via scenic route; up 20 floors …. Summer’s right about one thing – Phyllis is a hypocrite. Not because she’s a lying cheat – but because she wants Lily locked up for a car accident but feels no remorse herself for DELIBERATELY running Chris and Paul over with a rental car decades ago.