Friday, August 31st

Digging into their waffles, Charlie’s happy that his parents support him getting back with Shawna. Lily just wants her kids to be happy (which they don’t look right now)

Still at the penthouse, Shawna’s sorry to hear why Neil had to leave town and agrees that Nate should tell Lily in person. Devon comes down and out saying ‘let’s get this over with’.

As Devon quietly greets Chris, Mike welcomes Lily with a hug. Shawna and the kids watch Nate update Lily that Neil had to leave to be with Sophia. Asked to take a seat behind Chris’ desk, Shawna gives Charlie a quick hug before joining Devon. Sitting beside Mike, Lily’s a nervous wreck as the Judge arrives to begin the hearing. Chris states matter of factly that while tragic, Lily’s plead guilty to two counts of vehicular homicide – I ask you to impose the maximum sentence (20 years and 50K) Mike goes next to explain mitigating circumstances. Listing Lily’s fine qualities, he implores the court to show leniency; probation, community service and a 50K fine.

The defense does have something else before victim impact statements. Cane’s allowed to say that he’s the one who should be held accountable. He should be the one punished. Please give her the lightest sentence possible. Her turn to speak, Shawna looks reluctant then tears up as she describes the mentor/guardian who took her in. We’re all hurting. Lily didn’t do this on purpose. I don’t want Mattie and Charlie to lose their Mom like I lost Hilary. Lily holds her breath as Devon stands to speak next.

Devon describes Hilary as the vibrant, beautiful love of his life. We’d been given a second chance at happiness. He understands why everyone wants Lily to have a second chance but this isn’t about one incident/accident, it’s about years of hostility. Lily wanted Hilary dead and needs to answer for what she’s done to the full extent of the law. Mattie runs out in tears, Cane following. Lily stands to express regret for her actions and remorse for what they caused. She’d do anything to change what happened but will make up for it and ask for her brother’s forgiveness for the rest of her life. The Judge calls a recess while he goes to his chambers to deliberate. Devon scowls as Cane hugs Lily.

Devon listens as everyone supports Lily and quietly express surprise and disappointment in him. Cane goes over to ask Devon if he regrets what he said. Will you feel OK if Lily goes to prison? You managed to forgive Neil for locking Hilary up in a boathouse. You can do that again – this hearing’s not over. There’s still time to make this right. Devon looks torn but doesn’t speak up when the Judge returns to say he’s made a decision.