Friday, August 12th

Nick didn’t find evidence against Luca – but against Travis (meaning Luca’s on to them) Yes, Phyllis feels guilty about working behind Summer’s back (and lying to Jack) Nick’s off to update Victor. Phyllis is coming too – we need to plan our next move.

Chloe comes home to ask why Chelsea’s crying. She confides her dream/memory of Adam. Oh how she hates Victor.

Victor taunts Adam through the bars. You’re not the victim. You control your own fate. They then argue about why Adam came back from Paris – you wanted Daddy’s approval.

Nick and Phyllis update Victor at the office – Luca took the bait and manufactured evidence against Travis (making it look like he’s responsible for two more attempts at sabotage) We need to get Travis back to GC – and to convince Summer that Luca’s a slimeball.

As Luca continues to strongarm Summer, she suspects she’s being tested. It’s the family Luca’s testing – do they really support us getting married?

Summer admits her Mom and Grandpa’s smiles might be forced – but they want me to be happy. Luca wants to wed at Top of the Tower because it’ll mean the family gives it’s blessing. When? Next Friday it is ~kiss~

Victor busy on the phone, Nick acknowledges how hard it is for Phyllis to work with his Dad. He’s glad she’s so protective of Summer. Victor updates them on where Travis is (the site of another sabotage attempt) Travis will be the one to convince Summer. But there’s only one person who can get him to come back to GC.

Nikki advises Vikki to behave as her Father does. Do what you want to do and never regret it.

Off to her massage, Nikki’s thanked for the talk and says a few words about coming to terms with Summer’s engagement. Nick’s left to ask Vikki for help – call Travis.