Friday, April 7th

The Baldwins are at home for a much-needed drink. Mike feels guilty for not pushing Kevin to slow down. Lauren won’t let Mike blame himself. No one could have seen this coming. I should have, Mike drinks.

Victor doesn’t see the big deal in a nutcase running out on her own wedding – Chloe asked for help, I gave it. Nick puts the pieces together out loud – Chloe’s the one who helped you frame Adam.

Drink in hand and Mike’s head in her lap, Lauren reiterates that Chloe is the only one to blame. Mike worries that Kevin will never be able to love again. Oh how lucky we are. Love you. Love you too ~kiss~

Gloria’s proud that Kevin stayed strong, faced the truth head on and comforted Bella. You’re more her Father than whoever her biological Father is. Kevin disagrees – I’m not her Father. I had a family this morning. Now I’m all alone. Nonsense – you still have a family – Gloria will never abandon Kevin ~hug~

Mariah asks if Chelsea’s sure she wants to do this. Yes, she’s sure; the entire world deserves to know what Chloe’s done. Taking her seat, Hilary asks for a photo of Chelsea (who finds a few of Chloe and Bella on her phone, pauses and lies that she doesn’t) 3,2,1 – Hilary leads into a story of murder and betrayal – Chelsea, start from the beginning. Looking into the camera, her anger suddenly replaced by sympathy, Chelsea pleads with Chloe to come home to her family. Turn yourself in.

You brought a certified lunatic to town to teach Adam a lesson for walking away from Newman, Nick accuses. Victor has no time for this – I have a date with your Mother. Nick then drops the bomb – you just helped your son’s killer escape. Chloe blew up the cabin, killing Adam.

Next: Vikki tells Billy – I guess what I’m saying is that I’m glad we are where we are right now … Paul’s at the ranch with Nikki – I got some information tonight about Adam’s death I thought you’d want to know …. Why do you hate me so much son, why? Victor asks Nick.