Tuesday, November 14th

Still seated beside Scott on the floor, Abby’s sure they’ll be rescued soon. You made it out last time. You and I are too smart and stubborn to let anyone get the best of us. We’re going to find a greasy spoon and pig out – then we’ll find Zack and make him pay. He can’t win. He doesn’t stand a chance if we work together. Nothing can stop us. You with me? Abby takes Scott’s hand in hers.

Leaving Top of the Tower, Hilary understands Phyllis’ need for drama – she felt the same with Devon; she was scared of them becoming boring. If you love Billy (and I think you do) don’t make the same mistake I did, Hilary warns.

Cane thanks the kids but has to get back to GCM to check on Sam. He’s pleased by their concern. I love you, he says as he wraps an arm around both Mattie and Charlie. Lily arrives to watch then ducks back out, unseen.

Vikki shares her plan with Neil. Find a sympathetic journalist and tell them that NE had no idea what Abby was doing – she was the only one working on Design Date – create distance. Make it known that I’m back at NE and nothing like this will ever happen again. Is your Father onboard with this? Neil asks. My Father gave me full authority to handle this, Vikki makes it clear she’s in charge.

On the patio, Jack knows Paul’s doing his best but it’s time to file a missing persons report. Paul agrees. Inside, Sharon’s getting along well with Dina (who’s had a taxing week) Sharon asks where the police picked her up. Roadside? Did you see Scott there? Dina doesn’t know, she never went inside. You didn’t go inside the roadside? Sharon’s puzzled.

Abby continues to comfort an emotional Scott – with her lips!

Next: Chelsea hisses at Jordan – My advice is to get out of here while you still can. Jordan wants to stick around to make sure this mess doesn’t get any worse …. Mariah looks at Hilary – what is it? Breaking news, Hilary smirks….. Paul has Sharon at his side as he rolls up the door on the storage unit.

My Thoughts: Good Lord Paul! How many more clues do you need to realize there’s a mystery to be solved. Sure, you can explain away Abby going willingly with Zack – and Scott being out of cell range – but when you add the missing teenage prostitute who was supposed to be under YOUR protection, it seems pretty obvious something’s amiss. Why isn’t anyone concerned about Crystal’s whereabouts? Why isn’t Tessa sobbing on Sharon’s or Mariah’s shoulder? …. Scott’s a journalist investigating a sex ring – he’s locked in a room full of boxes of immigration papers of possible sex ring victims and who knows what other clues. Yet the only thing that can distract him from having a break down is making out with Abby? I wonder what Paul and Sharon will see when they swing up that door tomorrow … Why on earth wouldn’t Jack or Ashley sit Dina down to tell her that Abby’s missing. Of course she’s going to hear it from someone – or see it on the news (which will probably be how Traci finds out) I guess it’s not a big deal that Abby’s missing – Summer’s been missing for well over a year now and no one seems to have noticed.