Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

Back at the state, Chance is on the phone with Sharon; he’d like to meet up to talk about finding him a therapist. He wants to do it right away, for his family (Abby smiles up at him)

Back on the CL’s patio, Devon really appreciates having a doctor in the family. Yeah, about that, Nate supposes this is as good a time as any to announce that he’s decided to leave medicine and go into the business world (a decision Elena helped him with)

Ashland doesn’t want to burden Vikki with every little thing, it’s a minor issue with the acquisition of Newman Media. Vikki demands to know what it is. It’s not a thing, I’m on top of it, Ashland insists. Would you like to see the language in the contract that’s problematic? No need, Vikki’s about to leave when Ashland stops her – there is something we need to address.

Don’t ever stop listening to that inner voice, Adam thinks Sally’s advice ‘spot on’. Walking away from Newman Media feeds gets him nothing; it just feeds into the narrative that he shouldn’t be taken seriously. He won’t wait for Vikki and Ashland to take him down, he’ll stay at Newman Media and take THEM down. He’ll tell his Father that he’ll spy on Ashland; but not for his sake – but for my own.

Hal Luan owns a lot of properties, Phyllis is doing research on her tablet. Jack’s on his. Oh no, he finds an obituary. It’s generic, she remains optimistic. He was born the same day as Keemo and died the same day. And, he died three weeks ago in LA. That’s where the texts are from, but Phyllis believes it’s a coincidence. OK, Jack’s clearly distraught.

Now seated at CL’s, Nate explains to Devon and Amanda why he’s leaving GCM. No longer able to be a surgeon, he’s decided to leave medicine. What made you want to go into business? Devon asks. Ashland Locke.

Nikki wonders how reliable Victor’s source; Ashland paying this doctor off to falsify his medical record sounds farfetched – maybe this source is a disgruntled employee or lying for money. Victor has Mike, the brilliant legal mind, on the case. But why would Ashland do that? Victor nods his head; admitting that he doesn’t have an answer.

Ashland merged the companies to cement his legacy (when he thought he was dying) I couldn’t be a full partner to you. Vikki just wants him to focus on getting better. It’s very exciting! Ashland wants to contribute more to this powerhouse we’re building right here!! You’re CEO, I’m an advisor. That has to change. He wants to run the company – as equals. Vikki couldn’t look more alarmed.

Sharon’s at the estate to give Chance a list of therapists; her picks are listed at the top. Abby pets Chance like he’s a dog as he takes the sheet of paper.

Do you really think this is important? Ashland clearly does; he wants the respect title of CEO brings. He wants his reputation back. Change my title to co-CEO. If his health changes, they can change it back. Vikki claims to be worried it might worsen his condition.

Nikki doesn’t want Victor to alienate Vikki (still believing that Ashland’s telling the truth) Victor will handle this with caution. Adam hopes he’s not interrupting but has made a decision. So have I son. Adam suddenly doesn’t look so cocky.

Jack crouches behind Phyllis to look over her shoulder. He sees a photo of Keemo on an obituary site. My son’s dead, he looks devastated.

Sharon knows if can feel daunting to confide personal feelings in a stranger. Chance fears he’s not parental in the way Devon and Abby are. Reassuring him that seeking help is a sign of strength, Sharon wishes Abby and Chance the best of luck with the list. Returning from showing Sharon out, Abby’s thrilled to see Chance on the phone making an appointment.

At CL’s, Nate and Devon talk to Devon and Amanda about his friendship with Ashland. Sure we’re different but Ashland never gave up on me. Elena does too. When Devon expresses surprise that he didn’t come to work at Hamilton Winters (as he’s on the board) Elena’s impressed; for someone with no experience, Nate sure is getting a lot of offers. Hearing about Lily’s offer, Devon agrees – you’re the man of the hour.

Ashland’s optimistic about his health but knows he’s not cured. Feeling better than he has in a long time, he wants to live what’s left of his life to the full extent. He feels stronger when he’s working. He then wonders what’s really troubling Vikki. She’s sorry – she shouldn’t be letting her Father make her nervous about Ashland being a threat if healthy. She wants them to be partners in every way – let’s have the paperwork drawn up. I love you. I love you. This is going to be the beginning of something very exciting. The over the shoulder expressions aren’t pretty.

Adam wants to apologize – you were right, he tells his Father. It was hubris talking. You’ve given me a great opportunity; I’ll make the most of it. Victor appreciates that – have you talked to Vikki? No. Victor wants to [protect his family and bring it together. He no longer needs Adam to spy on Ashland but has more reason to believe he’s right. Victor’s just happy that he can depend on Adam. All hell is about to break loose.