Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

Boasting that she’s wearing a perfume she created herself, Ashley sends the bartender off to wait on a patron. She sashays on over to ‘option #2’; the man seated behind the piano.

Deciding to go meet Nikki, Jordan warns Harrison to keep his mouth shut and leaves him to sit on the bed.

Traci will go look for Ashley and try to find info on Ashley’s friend from Paris while Jack stays at the house to wait for news on Harrison.

Victor sends a text – he has news on Jordan; come home immediately. Nikki replies that she’s in the middle of something then shouts out ‘OK, Jordan – last call – now or never’.

Jack gets a call from Kyle – the diner’s owner let him look at the security footage. He saw Jordan and the car she was driving. If we can find that, maybe we’ll find where she’s keeping Harrison.

Coming through the revolving door, Danny runs into Traci. Yes, she’d love to join him for a few minutes; but they can only talk about happy things.

Requesting something sexy and sultry, flirtatious southern belle Ashley babbles on and runs her hands through the pianists’ hair.

Updated that Kyle’s already passed the info to Victor, Jack tells him to let the authorities or police handle it if he manages to track Jordan down.

Nikki – where are you? Jordan finds the alley seemingly empty.

Amused to hear that Chris and Phyllis were competing for Danny, Traci declines his offer to help her find Ashley. She’s then stunned to see her making a spectacle of herself in the jazz lounge.

Summer’s forcing down a bite of muffin when she gets a text. OMG – I gotta go, she promises Daniel she’ll call him later.

Harrison!? Kyle kicks down the motel room door and rushes in to hug his son.

Nikki!? Nikki!? Jordan shouts. Sneaking up behind her, Victor puts a cloth over her mouth. Guess again, he says as she loses consciousness.