Friday, June 3rd

Bethany wouldn’t leave Billy stranded here silly. Yeah silly, Ashley echoes. When Billy falters on his introductions, Bethany provides her name and shakes Ashley’s hand. Now alone, Billy wonders what Bethany’s doing here. Bethany had to see a doctor – apparently she was in a bike accident.

In the hallway, Neville shows Ashley Hilary’s press release online – read it and weep.

The timing of Hilary’s press conference was strategic – she made an executive decision. Neil hopes she’s not promising a drug that won’t be ready. Devon knows Hilary wouldn’t cut corners on something so important. Yes, Hilary just wants to save lives.

Fall?! We just had a set back with a patient, Ashley points out. Two patients – someone else had side effects. And Neville has more bad news – public reception is the least of our worries, Neville’s grim.

Bethany tells Billy that his girlfriend told her to say she’s on the bike. There’s nothing going on between me and Phyllis, Billy insists. Right, that’s why she told me you’d give me 10K – that’s what friends do right??

Maybe Billy’s new girlfriend will be good for him, Phyllis suggests. No, Jack doesn’t have a problem that she’s a waitress. He has a problem with him latching onto the first pretty face that comes along. Jack feels sorry for her – he knows how Billy operates. Why is he wasting time with a woman who means nothing to him? Jack wants Bily to have what they have – is that so wrong?

Now at the lab, Neville tells Ashley that two reactions is a pattern. In time the treatment dissipates!? I could be relapsing!? Ashley worries. No, Neville assures. And when Abby arrives, he runs out in a dither (leaving Abby to whine to her Mom that Ben won’t let her face Max’s situation with him)

Ben tells Max a kid version of the brain being like a computer – with spyware it doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. You have a tumour – it affects how you manage your emotions. Like when I hurt Abby? Max realizes. Can they take it out? Yes, but there’s risks. Max wants the surgery. Get it out, please ~hug~

Abby’s heartbroken for Ben – he seemed so lost and scared. Ashley’s sorry she’s going through this. Abby relays Ben opening up to her, then shutting her out when he went to go see Max. Ashley thinks Ben didn’t want to pressure her. There’s someplace you need to be. Thanking her Mom, Abby exits.

After Neville takes Hilary off, Neil warns Devon that he’ll be the one to take the heat if Hilary’s cutting corners. She won’t put lives at risk, Devon’s sure.

Upstairs, Neville asks Hilary how she’s feeling. Fine – I defended you when no one else would, Hilary blathers on. No, she’s had no headaches. She then warns that one word from her and he could go to jail. Neville’s relieved when Hilary passes his memory test (and tells her that the drug is temporary) Nice try, it won’t work, Hilary doesn’t buy it.

Phyllis steps aside to take a call – why are you calling me? Billy updates that Bethany’s ride home from the hospital cost him 10K. The only thing that matters to Phyllis is that Jack doesn’t find out she made a mistake. Yeah, Billy’s got it – loud and clear. You’ve got a girlfriend now, Phyllis tells him to keep up the pretense (it shouldn’t be too hard since Billy already slept with Bethany) It’s best for all of us, Phyllis hangs up.

Hilary won’t second guess herself OR postpone the release. No, Neville’s worried. And we have a responsibility to our patients. I’M the only reason you have a medical license, Hilary warns Neville to fix the drug – fast – it will be rolling out by the fall. Noticing Hilary’s hand shake, Neville leaves.

You know I’m right. Hilary’s cold-blooded, Neil sees more pain on the horizon for Devon – she’s walking all over us and you’re better than that. Devon loves his wife. He wishes the family could love and respect each other. YOU started this, Devon then asks about Neil’s drinking. At least I’m being honest with myself, Neil thinks denial a powerful thing.