Tuesday, June 7th

Adma doesn’t trust Ian, but he has to believe him. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Chelsea’s optimistic – Victor won’t take us down. Adam credits Chelsea’s faith in ‘us’. Now and forever – Adam won’t let Victor destroy them. He’ll spend the rest of his life loving and protecting Chelsea ~kiss~ Time to go upstairs and make out now.

Paul wishes James would cooperate. Dylan agrees – this can be easy or difficult. James just did his job (which he scurries back to) Mike arrives – was that the tech who did Constance’s autopsy report? He knows there’s news (based on how scared the tech looks and how pleased Paul looks) Mike believes Adam’s innocent and is pleased that the police seem to as well.

Behind the bar, Travis is on the phone – he’ll pay the late fee in two weeks. Great! Thanks! He slams the phone down. Oh look, here’s Vikki.

Mike wants to skip the small talk and get to taking Ian’s deposition. Yes, he’ll be transferred to a more comfortable facility. Mike hits ‘record’ and recites the date and location of Ian Ward’s deposition. No, no, Ian wants to give his statement in court.

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Nick accosts Luca as he towels off on the rooftop deck. What’s going on with my sister? Luca lists all she’s struggling with – who could blame her for wanting some private time. If you want things to work out with Summer and your job at NE, you better come clean now. Luca pulls out his tablet and hands it to Nick – these should answer your questions.

Why is Vikki there? You lied to me repeatedly. Her feelings for Travis are honest, real. Well, this working class guy has to get to work. Vikki won’t apologize for being Victoria Newman, but she’d rather be Tori, here for a drink and a dance. He softens as she takes his hand across the bar.

Cuddling in bed, Chelsea believes Adam (when he ways Victor’s out of their lives) but turning the other cheek isn’t our style. She wouldn’t blame Adam for wanting to go after Victor – but promise me you won’t be the person to make your Father pay for what he’s done.

Mike’s hoping to avoid a trial. Ian scoffs- this star witness wants his moment on the stand. Needled about his near-disbarment, Mike claims to have other resources. Oh? Can they tell you how Victor had the journal forged? How he had a rotting corpse tainted with poison? Those facts would be useful, Mike admits. He had this dream, a vision if you will – of Ian helping out in the name of justice. Ian’s putting his life on the line here, he wants the favours he’s asking for.

Travis feels no sympathy for the rich Vikki (who wanted to escape her life) You had your fun, it’s over, Travis concludes. Or, you can get to know the real me, Vikki invites. You think we can go back to the way things were? No, Vikki doesn’t want to. I’m just an escape for you? At first, but Vikki now feels safe with Travis; you won’t lie to me or hurt me.