Friday. June 9th

Ashley’s grumbling about Graham when Abby comes down to join her Mom and Dad (who’s sorry she’s hurt and surprised she’s going back to work so late) Graham then comes down looking for Abby – he has a message from Dina; she’s staying in town after all.

Chloe reassures Kevin that Dr Harris is trustworthy – he’s helping me to make amends for releasing me early. She had to fake her death to avoid prison or another facility.

Tessa laughs upon learning that Mariah came to town pretending to be the ghost of her dead twin sister to haunt her Mother. Oh, you’re not kidding – Tessa then notices that Sharon’s watching her like she’s gonna steal sugar packets. Sharon just wants her kids to be happy – she’ll back off once she gets to know you.

Behind the counter, Sharon tells Scott that she overheard Tessa say something disturbing – she has to find a way to make things right with Nikki. She’s using Noah to keep the gravy train rolling.

Jack will never forget his Dad getting Dina’s call (saying she wasn’t coming back) Losing your Mom that was is soul crushing. John tried hard, he was great – but part of him (and me) died that way. Herself in tears, Nikki didn’t realize Jack carried around so much pain. Having let Dina back in, Jack feels he’s losing her all over again. Nikki’s glad Jack confided in her and knowing all about pain knows it possible to let it go.

Graham does what’s best for Dina. She wants to stay so we’re staying, he leaves Victor to warn Ashley to watch her Mother’s bank accounts. Given a chance, that man will drain them dry, he says with confidence.

Shedding happy tears, Dina’s in her room kissing the family photo (taken the other night) on her phone.

Kevin won’t say a word – he doesn’t want to see Chloe locked up. Thanks but I’ve got this now. Dr Harris won’t let them out of his sight and someone else won’t like this either, he reaches for his phone. Who are you calling? Kevin wants to know.

Next: You honestly think I offered her a job in exchange for sex, don’t you!? Cane shouts at Vikki…. If you have any information on the case or Juliet’s credibility, now’s the time to tell me, Leslie stares across the table at Hilary …. I’m not going to let anyone lock her up and I’m not leaving without her, Kevin stands firm against Dr Harris.