Thursday, April 25th, 2024

Happy to find Tessa humming away at Society, Mariah might have a way to make her wife even happier.

Running into Lily at CL’s, Billy won’t pitch his idea again – he believes she’ll come around on her own.

In their suite, Audra and Tucker brainstorm ways to get their boot on the neck of the cosmetics industry. Clinking coffee cups, they toast to Glacade surpassing Jabot.

That’s quite a dress, Traci’s glad Ashley agreed to join her upstairs for a bite to eat. Retail therapy, Ashley’s toned down her southern drawl but is more interested in Tequila than food.

Tucker doesn’t care about beating Ashley but would love to take down Jack, Kyle and Diane. Audra’s drive and ambition make him feel ‘sensations’ ~kiss~

Bless her little heart, the voice in Ashley’s head says. She changes her order from Tequila to iced tea. Now that Harrison’s home safe and sound, Traci wants to focus on her sister’s health (sonofabitch, the southern belle forces a smile)

Mariah’s not suggesting Tessa go on tour – she can perform at local music festivals. When Devon and Abby make a timely arrival, they love the idea. Taking a seat, Devon reads a text from Nate (appreciating his support) He’s not happy.

Again reading between the lines, Billy thinks Lily’s finally coming around to the idea that her Aunt Maime’s trouble.

Naked in bed, Audra and Tucker decide to go downstairs for something to eat. Race you down there – loser buys, both jump out of bed.

Traci asks Ashley what changed her mind on seeing a therapist. Ashley panicked. Let’s both have a shot of Tequila! Traci has to be honest – I’m afraid for you; you’re spiraling out of control. She insists Ashley get the help she needs. OK, she’ll reschedule the appointment for first thing tomorrow.

When Billy insists on talking about CW, Lily decides it’s time to leave. Billy promises to knock it off – buy you a drink??