Thursday, June 15th

What talents? Devon asks politely. Dina finds Graham a good advisor. You’ll be free to run the company as you see fit, Graham assures. They find common ground over the wonderful Abby – he’s sure his good friend is thrilled that Dina’s staying in town. Yes, he’ll talk to Neil about Graham’s role at the company. Now alone, Graham tells Dina that she was right to decline Jack’s offer (to move into the house) As she goes to ‘clear the air’ with her son, Graham warns Dina not to be talked into anything.

Mariah and Hilary butt heads over Juliet’s suit against Cane. Thinking Mariah too emotionally invested, Hilary’s taking her off the story. I’ll be the one on the national news feed, not you. Mariah walks off to call Lily with a warning that Hilary’s going to take the case public. Thanking Mariah, Lily expresses her frustration to Neil – dammit, how did I not see this coming?

Back at BnS, Cane’s still convinced they’ll hear the good news from Leslie any minute. Mike arrives on the phone talking to Leslie (who hangs up on him) You went to Juliet’s hotel room – alone?! You just handed her the case, he snarls at Cane.

Sharon is amazed by Scott’s eggs and impressed with ‘many things’. Getting a text from Victor, Scott sends a smartass reply as to why he’s playing hooky. I’m not the first woman you’ve cooked for, Sharon suspects. Right – but this is the first time Scott’s put his heart into it.

Cane’s lambasted by Billy, Vikki and Mike – who suggests expediting the discovery phase with depositions – to learn what the other side has. Perhaps Juliet will drop the case, settle – or back up her claims. Cane agrees – but seems reluctant to testify under oath. Why wouldn’t you want to set the record straight??? Mike wonders.

Lily’s at BnS to warn Hilary that if she goes on air with baseless claims against Cane, she’s the one who’ll be sued. IF he’s innocent you have nothing to worry about, Hilary snaps – but if he’s not, Lily’s career and marriage are at risk. Hilary reminds that Lily cheated on Cane – AND she’s not the one who should have thought about the kids. Maybe you should have kept your man satisfied. Jordan shows up to restrain Lily from attacking Hilary.

Dina’s at Jack’s office to say that his offer meant a lot to her – this isn’t about Graham. Is it about memories? Dina tears up – it’s about all the memories I should have had in that house but didn’t.

Showing Scott out, Sharon knows he wouldn’t run out on her. Dylan left so suddenly – she didn’t expect this. Scott didn’t either – he’s now got a good reason to stick around ~kiss~ I’ll call you, he leaves.

Aside, Lily tells Jordan about Hilary’s role in the lawsuit. Juliet’s dropping the case – Cane’s innocent and our marriage is still strong, she huffs out. Jordan isn’t thrilled to realize Hilary’s hurting people for a boost in ratings. I hope you’re happy with yourself, he walks out too.

We’re on a ticking clock here – Mike’s investigator couldn’t find any dirt on Juliet – she’s never been in trouble and will make a phenomenal witness. Billy chimes in that she’ll look like a saint compared to Cane (the ultimate bad boy) Cane’s sorry – of course he’ll sit down to prepare with Mike but right now he has to go talk to Lily.

Defending Graham, Dina almost slips up. But no, Graham didn’t force her to sell her company. He forced her to see reality – she’s in her 70’s. No reason to worry, she assures Jack (who’s not convinced) Graham will do anything that makes me happy (which right now is spending time with my kids and granddaughter)

Ashley’s invited Graham to a sit down at the club to apologize – but she needs to know about her Mother’s companion. We should at least co-exist. Graham knows her heart’s not in it but asks Ashley to stay for coffee anyway.