Wednesday, November 15th

As Abby’s looking around for something useful, Scott continues to rub her the wrong way – stay focused on reality. Abby wishes they’d been more focussed before their …. tryst? Scott’s relieved to hear that Abby’s on birth control. When he again shows signs of distress, Abby has something to distract him (some paperwork she found)

Nick knows Noah’s not taking Victor’s job to stick it to him – but why would you take the job? Noah wants the challenge – to bring new ideas to the table. He’ll watch out for Grandpa – and Vikki will have his back. Nick understands Noah’s wish to stay close to family (he’s being kept out of the loop re: Abby) He’s in no hurry to plan his next move.

Hilary tells her viewers that there’s a 10 million dollar reward for Abby (a Newman-Abbott). Mariah adds that Scott’s also missing – he’s the daughter of Lauren Fenmore. During a break, Hilary reads a note. What is it? Breaking news, she grins at Mariah.

Turns out the paperwork Abby found is a goldmine; property Zack owns and shell companies he used to buy them. These could all be safe houses he keeps the girls in. Abby’s devastated that she funded Zack’s business and slept with him. You’re supposed to know who you sleep with; there’s supposed to be honesty and respect. I should have known.

Is this the car you were in? Paul shoves his phone in Dina’s face. When she gets all flustered, Billy manages to get Dina to explain that she got in the car; Zack drove. It was a very trying day. Yes, they got out together. Paul thanks Dina – one more thing – you got out at the roadside? The Roadside, Sharon repeats. Yes, follow along missy, Dina snaps at her. They went into a building called Roadside, Sharon elaborates. Yes, I told you that, Dina’s annoyed.

Scott finds bills for a nearby motel that Zack uses. He and Abby bicker as they wonder how to escape the storage unit. Something Abby says makes Scott look up at the ceailing with faint hope.

Sharon and Paul are both online looking for soemthing that fits. Coming across Roadside Storage, Paul’s forced to take Sharon along with him.

Getting a text from Chelsea saying that Hilary’s talking about Abby, Nick and Noah turn the TV on. At her place, Phyllis turns her TV on to drown out her loud neighbour. Jordan and Chelsea watch in the wings as Hilary introduces a call-in; Connie’s a widow who was swept off her feet by ‘Justin’ years ago. He proposed. At the courthouse, a woman showed up to say she was his wife. She was in on the scheme and screaming at me. A photo is then posted of Jordan and Chelsea being attacked by a woman with a bouquet. In their respective homes, Nick (with Noah) and Phyllis are stunned. In the studio, Jordan and Chelsea don’t look too happy either.