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Victor takes care of himself – on his own time. Stay safe, Dylan adds that Nikki’s worried about him. Who the hell is Nikki? Victor grunts as Dylan walks out.
Nikki thanks Jack for listening. Just because she loves Victor doesn’t change the fact that he’s her friend. Too bad you’re not my sponsor. Hey – why not? Jack’s committed to saving one soul at a time. Maybe it is a calling.
When Phyllis doesn’t drink, Billy pulls her close – where are you going? Home – to Jack, my supportive, loving husband. I have to go now. Through the window, Phyllis watches a lonely Billy drinking.
Mike has some a folder of points for Vikki to consider re: the lawsuit. He declines a drink, so Vikki’s left to lift her glass to Victor’s portrait – I’ll get our rightful share – whatever it takes (she looks at the flowers Billy brought earlier)
We can find another birth mother – someone older who knows what she wants. Nick sees so much to be grateful for – we’re very lucky. Sage agrees. I love you. I love you too ~kiss~
As Nurse Stevens sings a lullaby to Sully, Sharon flashes back to her saying that the baby’s crying for his Mother. Dylan joins Sharon – what were you doing talking to Nurse Stevens?
Next: Hilary’s spittin’ mad at Devon – You sabotaged your own wife so you can get down off your high horse because you’re no better than me …. I’m recovering, Ashley smiles. You should have told me you were sick, Abby scowls….. Well them why am I here? Adam asks. I want you to avenge me, Victor replies.
My Thoughts: Vikki will get revenge by whatever means necessary. Gee – I wonder if that means sleeping with Billy.
So the prison Victor’s serving his time at doesn’t have a doctor or nurses on staff? No infirmary? You’d think they’d be used to patching up shanked inmates. What’s the point of having camera surveillance if it can easily be turned off? Why not check the cameras to the left and right of this one to see exactly who disabled the camera? It should be pretty easy to ID Victor’s attacker – the shank was left on the ground. One stab through the ribs is hardly a murder attempt. But I guess it’s not like Victor has a heart to aim for. ‘Almost killed’ my ass – Victor’s not even strapped up to any machinery or oxygen – or even a saline IV drip. We’ve seen more of Victor at GCM since his incarceration than Dr Rayburn … If Jack hadn’t appeared, I wonder if Nikki would have ordered a drink. She IS upset and an alcoholic – at a BAR. The show treats alcoholism like a mildly annoying outbreak of pimples …. Shawn may be ready to be a Mother – but she has absolutely nothing in place. Her apartment is ‘unsafe’ (according to her) She has no car seat, stroller – or a weekly paycheck to buy anything. It wouldn’t surprise me if Shawn came back to town and left David on the Newman’s doorstep.