Friday, September 2nd

Neil continues to tell Lucinda about his wonderful family. I don’t want to be alone, he admits. Lucinda is never alone. I’m right here, Neil says with tears in his eyes. Mom, Mom. Mommy? Mommy, he sobs; head in his hands.

At the station, Mike calls Paul ‘heartless’ for arresting Chelsea. He then talks to Chelsea in Paul’s office. They’ll want to know exactly what happened after you left the penthouse. We made wonderful plans to start a new life, Chelsea confides in Mike – I finally had my family back – until Victor ripped it away from us again.

Victor did set this in motion – it IS all his fault. Connor’s fatherless because of me. Someone set the explosion – and when I find out who that is. Nikki doesn’t want her darling to think about revenge.

What the hell happened? Kevin wondered – maybe it’s not bad luck – it’s intentional. Nick shows up – where’s Chelsea? The police arrested her. Connor’s upstairs. Nick can’t believe Dylan and Paul are putting Chelsea through this. Victor’s not responsible for the explosion – someone else wanted Adam dead.

Opening Lucinda’s bible, Neil finds an envelope addressed to him on Lucinda’s shaky writing.

Nick knows his Dad – he was heartbroken when hearing that Adam was killed in an explosion (which Chloe flashes back to) Kevin knows that Chloe will help Chelsea through this. Chloe wants some alone time. After Kevin leaves, Chloe calls a babysitter to come over.

Who could have hated Adam that much? Nikki wonders. Victor doesn’t think Billy or Chloe capable of setting the explosion. Victor also needs some time alone.

No sooner has the gang decided to go join Neil at his Mother’s, Neil bellies up to the bar to show the bartender his 25-year sobriety chip. That’s a lifetime to a young man like you. What’ll you have sir? Club soda with lime. Neil starts to read the letter.