Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Abby comes down feeling (and smelling) better. Dominic’s sleeping. Chance is going to meet Rey and help with a stakeout (since he’s too amped up to sleep) But if you don’t want me to go …. Be careful, Abby sends him off with a hug and kiss (then is left to look worried)

Billy continues to revel in the sound of his own voice. You’re in a great place mostly because of Lily – you’re lucky to have her. Is there something deep down eating at you? How do you find it? Do you want to find it? Knowing you you’ll just bury it. On the staircase, Lily timidly says she’s sorry to intrude. Billy’s having some fun letting his subconscious run free. He insists on playing his recording for Lily.

Chelsea’s telling Rey about Anita setting up the perfect con when Chance arrives at CL’s. He knows a bit about Chelsea’s past from Adam so would love to know more. As he takes a seat, Chelsea finishes the story of Anita convincing a mark that she was a princess; the rightful owner to some jewelry the lady had. The two cops are impressed by such crime. And now it’s time they get to work. Good luck with your stake out, Chelsea thanks Rey for the company.

Lily and Billy listen to his recording – his regrets over seeking revenge against Adam. Be the bigger man and let go of this grudge – can you be the bigger man? Something seems to be missing. Lily thanks him for sharing his ‘deep’ thoughts. Billy trusts Lily. It feels cathartic. Giving him a kiss, Lily goes up to bed – come up whenever you’re ready.

Chelsea returns to her lonely hotel suite. Back into her pajamas, she eyes the bed and decides to sleep on the couch.

Rey and Chance are in an alley. There’s been several break ins – the perp is taunting us – daring us to catch him. We think he’ll strike on this street next. It could be a long night of waiting for nothing to happen. Chance updates that Dom needs a bone marrow aspiration. He’s trying to keep Abby calm but having a hard time listening to his own advice. Rey recalls Faith having to have kidney transplant – and Connor was so sad when his parents broke up. Chance knows Chelsea must be grateful that he was there for Connor. There’s our guy, Rey spots him disabling a security system. As Rey darts off, he leaves Chance to crumple and gasp for breath at the sound of breaking glass.

Billy hasn’t heard enough of his own voice yet. If everything’s as good as you say it is why can’t you sleep? Are you worried about backsliding? You are a one step up, two steps back kinda guy. Can you get some momentum – you know you can – you have Lily, she’s great for you – calls you on your BS. She loves you. It’s right to let go of revenge. You’re in a golden place – acknowledge it – make the change, he gives himself a pep talk.

Chance comes home to find Abby asleep on the couch – her hand resting on Dom’s playpen. You’re home, she awakens – I thought you were going to be gone all night. Is everything OK? Yes – Chance felt his place was here, with her and Dom. As he hugs her, he looks worried.

Hearing the loud click of her door opening, Chelsea looks up from the couch. You’re the most complicated and intriguing woman I’ve ever met, Rey strides in to say that he’s ‘mesmerized’. I can’t stop thinking about you. There’s something from your dark past that fascinates me ~kiss~ Chelsea awakens from her dream with a gasp; looking terrified, she clutches her pillow.