Friday, April 1st, 2022

You’re just babysitting the company, Ashland’s not threatened by Adam. Vikki’s opinion of him is the only opinion that matters. What about Harrison’s? Adam hits a nerve. You sonofabitch, don’t get comfortable. Have a safe flight, Adam shouts as Ashland exits his office.

When the foursome takes turns citing reasons to toast one another, Elena can’t hide her misgivings about Nate ‘giving up his life’s work to tackle a new profession’. Devon asks how she feels about Nate coming to work for him and Lily.

Chelsea doesn’t care what Sally’s got going with Adam – whatever it is, she’ll deal with it. Arriving in time to hear her, Rey looks proud.

Billy makes his case – why would Ashland go to such lengths to con you – to merge the companies, only to share the power?? You’re standing in his way. Vikki doesn’t believe Ashland would hurt her – plus, her Father’s men will be shadowing her. OK, but why are you going to Italy with him? Vikki can’t reveal her plan. Our children won’t be exposed to Ashland anymore, is all she’ll say. Billy hopes so – promise me you’ll be careful, he leaves her to heave a sigh.

How did it go with Billy? Are the kids OK? Ashland returns to ask. It was a ruse to talk to me alone, Vikki was warned that he’d harm her and take over the company (which she does NOT believe) Please, tell me he didn’t get to you, Ashland couldn’t bear the thought – I only care what YOU think.

Oh look, twice in one day, Chelsea’s happy to see Rey – how lucky is that. Lucky indeed, Sally leaves with her food. Rey’s never seen Chelsea so happy; earlier, she was worried about Connor’s moodiness earlier. Yeah, Chelsea has a feeling she may be in for some more of that and has herself to blame.

When Sally returns to the office, Adam updates on Ashland’s visit/warning. He seemed unnerved; Vikki might be playing him the way he played her. Either way, Newman Locke’s in better hands with me than my gullible sister.

Back at the penthouse, Elena admits that Nate’s decision’s taken some getting used to. My hours and pay will be better, Nate looks forward to spending more time spoiling her. Elena supports Nate working with his family. Devon has the perfect toast – to new adventures for all of us – cheers.

Chelsea tells Rey that she splurged on Blackhawk tickets but neither she nor Adam can take Connor. Rey has a solution – I’ll take Connor to the game. You’re the one doing me a favour. You’re a lifesaver, Chelsea gushes.

Before they eat, Sally again asks about her role in Adam’s plan. Well, if he takes Vikki’s place running Newman Locke, he’ll need someone to take his place running Newman Media. She loves the way he thinks ~kiss~

Tell me again that it’s not true – that you wouldn’t do something so deceitful and ugly to me, Vikki implores. Ashland loves her too much to do that – it pains him that Vikki may have doubted that, even for a moment. That’s all she needed to hear (both cast grim over-the-shoulder expressions as they embrace)

Bonus words: Why wouldn’t Chelsea explore other options to take Connor to the Blackhawks game? Like his Godparents (Chloe or Jack) or Billy (Connor does have Delia’s eyes after all) or, what about family-first Grandpa Victor? Uncle Nick? And why couldn’t Chelsea postpone her business trip to NY? One of the perks of having your own business is setting your own schedule …. Why do Elena and Nate keep referring to the penthouse as their new apartment? Nate’s been living there for ages. Odd that he mentions him having more time to spend with Elena, when she’s the one recently whining about her full schedule, between GCM, and askMDNow … If Ashland wants to avoid these ‘ridiculous accusations’ being published maybe he should stop blabbing about them so loudly. Fortunately, none of the executives in Newman Tower have receptionists to overhear… What on earth could Vikki’s plan be? Serve him poisonous Cannolis in Tuscany? … I laugh-snorted why she snapped at Billy – what, are you going to take the kids away from me? As if the kids were ever actually with her!