Thursday, May 26th, 2022

Now seated, Chelsea’s foul mood extends to Chloe. And it makes her sick that Vikki’s on vacation after killing a man! Adam and Sally can’t help but hear.

Now alone with Kyle, Jack will support him but can’t turn a blind-eye to his Mother insinuating herself into his life. It doesn’t seem like you need more time, it seems you’ve already let her in. Try for my sake, Kyle implores. Jack will do his best and is thrilled to hear they might be moving back to GC.

Summer tells her Mom that Angelina’s burning out; Marchetti’s overextended financially.

Meanwhile, Kyle pitches his idea to Jack. You want Jabot to BUY Marchetti? he’s stunned.

Kyle’s crunched the numbers and believes it’s a good investment. Jack’s intrigued – but how much does your Mother’s return factor in? Not at all.

Phyllis likes Summer’s idea – but moving back to GC? Wow! One issue (she doesn’t seem sold)

Seeing nothing wrong with Vikki taking a trip, Chloe thinks she and Chelsea should go to New York. Chelsea snaps – you’re patronizing me – I’m not stupid. After she storms out, Adam asks Chloe how long she’s been like this.

Jack drops by Diane’s suite at the GCAC. What a nice surprise. He thinks she’ll change her mind once she hears what he has to say.

Chloe has no idea what Adam’s talking about. She blew up at you and stormed out, he’s seen the signs and is concerned about their son. There’s no need to worry about Connor, Chloe confides that Chelsea’s angry at the world because she misses Rey.

In the park, Kyle watches Chelsea throws her purse on the ground. Kyle appears – you OK? Everyone’s asking me that today, Chelsea tries to laugh it off. Kyle again expresses concern.

Diane has nothing to do with this, Summer promises. I missed you. Good answer – Phyllis missed her too. I never want to let you go ~hug~

Jack will support Kyle’s decision and hopes she has changed. If you have an ulterior motive, I’ll make you regret coming back here. Diane gives her word – I’ll never hurt our son again. When she hints otherwise, Jack claims his life’s in a good place (but in the hallway, looks troubled)

When Adam reports back to Sally, she’s still amazed that Rey was able to forgive and befriend Chelsea. Adam suspects it’s more than mourning a friend.

Chelsea tells Kyle that she overreacted with a friend and shouldn’t stress cry in public. She appreciates Kyle’s kind words. Assured that she’s fine, Kyle leaves.

Jack’s back at the hotel. Yes, Phyllis heard Summer’s news. He tells her about ‘DD’ being at the house with Kyle. She needs to go away again, Phyllis scowls.

In her suite, Diane smiles at a photo of Harrison on her phone. You’re going to be spending lots of time with your DD.