Monday, December 5th, 2022

Diane had some of Jeremy’s money ready for transport when he got arrested. She didn’t tell the feds about it. Jack figures she should give the money back. Diane can’t – it’s gone.

Daniel would rather not talk about Heather – let’s talk about my dream becoming reality; he’s ready and wants this to be perfect. Lily loves his enthusiasm.

Chelsea doesn’t want to lean on Billy too much – you can’t be there every time I need to turn to someone. Lily reminded me you couldn’t be there for me 24/7 – I never want to become a burden to you.

Back at the Glam Club, Chance stuns Adam with the news that he and Abby are getting a divorce. Yes, something bad did go down – Abby slept with someone else.

Chance tells Adam to keep his mouth shut – Abby cheated just the once, but it was a wake-up call – there’s no need to drag things out. Adam can relate.

Nick admits that it wasn’t easy seeing Adam leave this room but Sally doesn’t owe him anything. Sally’s sorry he had to find out this way. Yes, she got closure. It’s over, she’s sure. Now, she wants to hear what Nick thinks.

Yes, Lily’s fulfilled – she loves her challenging job and feels stronger than ever. Personally? Daniel probes. Good, Billy keeps things interesting, Lily’s uncomfortable. It still doesn’t make sense to Daniel.

Billy’s where he wants to be – Lily’s working late. Let’s watch a movie and have snacks, he coerces Chelsea.

Near tears, Diane explains that she used Jeremy’s money to rebuild her life; therapy, her real estate license, freedom. No, she can’t allow Jack to repay the money; absolutely not.

With a sigh, Nick admits that beneath his calmness, jealousy rages. What does this mean for us? he asks. Sally wants to date Nick.

Turning the cheesy movie off, Chelsea thanks Billy for cheering her up. He needed this too.

Daniel and Lily reminisce – look at us now, stronger than ever. Cheers.

Diane appreciates Jack’s generosity but refuses to take his money. She’s independent. Plus, thanks to Ashley, Nikki and Phyllis, Jeremy now thinks I was working with the feds. Reassured that she’s safe, Diane’s so grateful she looks ready to kiss Jack.

If Chance (the white knight) can’t make things work, what hope is there for me? Adam pouts.

Sally and Nick agree to take some time to think things over. Goodnight, both are sad after he leaves.

Hugging Jack, Diane lists all the things to thank him for. He thinks she’ll be safer in a guest room. I’ll handle Ashley – this is my home and I want you here.