Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

Daniel and Lily continue to reconnect …. Adam and Billy debate who should be helping Chelsea…. Seemingly besotted with poor, scared Diane, Jack lashes out at Phyllis … Striking out with Noah, Audra turns to Tucker.

Agreeing to spend the night, Diane cries as she praises Jack (who praises her right back; she’s handling the situation with grace and elegance) As she sobs in his arms, Jack pats Diane’s back ‘there, there’. Getting a text, he has something to attend to.

Chiding Audra for being late, Tucker updates her that Jeremy Stark is in GC. Both assume he’s after Diane. And what about you? Audra quips that Tucker might need a bulletproof vest.

Adam greets Noah at the Glam Club. There’ll be no trouble; Nick’s otherwise occupied, he adds. If you see a server send them over.

Daniel’s brought Lily to CL’s for dessert (knowing how much she loves it) He’s surprised to hear that she’s going back to the office afterward. As they again laugh at a shared memory, Billy watches unseen.

Oh no, Billy can’t join us, Lily answers for him – he’s tired from his mission of mercy. While Daniel’s with Sharon at the counter, Billy and Lily update one another on their evenings. He then scolds her for what she said to poor Chelsea.

Needing to go to the office quickly, Jack tells Diane to make herself at home – rest. Good night, she’s left to look alone and scared.

Stark has no reason to come after me, Tucker hopes Ashley and co. reach out to him. Why? What are you up to? Audra wonders.

Lily didn’t intend to make Chelsea feel like she’s a burden. Don’t wait up. Bidding all a good evening, Billy leaves Daniel to ask Lily if he’s causing problems between them. No, everything’s fine, she lies badly.

When Audra drops by the club, Noah’s sorry for leaving her to deal with the loss – is there any way I can help you move on? You, I want you, she replies.