Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

Jack tells Diane all about the texts between Victor and Kyle. He’s been lying to me all along.

In the hallway, Kyle’s on the phone with Summer. He asks her to give it some time – maybe his Mom will forget all about wanting a job promotion.

Diane’s surprised to hear that Victor and Kyle were very close for a time while she was gone. I just just never expected this kind of betrayal. On cue, Kyle walks back in.

Adam belongs here and he knows it, Victor insists. Despite evidence to the contrary? Vikki sees it ending one way – you getting hurt, badly.

Back on the patio, Adam’s decided to step up and do his part – he’ll take the boys out. Johnny would enjoy that, Billy doesn’t rise to the bait – anything else? Chelsea appears.

Victor doesn’t see Adam as a threat. He blames you for everything wrong in his life. He’s even convinced you, Vikki also reminds that he increased his med dosage that he almost killed you. Don’t give Adam an excuse to blame you for his failure. Let him go.

Adam will be in touch to set up a time and date. Looking forward to to it, Billy remains civil. After he leaves, Chelsea asks what happened. Adam was civil, Billy’s not surprised to hear that he’s not thrilled about them spending time together. He had a similar conversation with Vikki. Billy wonders how Chelsea feels about that.

After Diane excuses herself, Kyle apologizes for missing a meeting. This isn’t about a meeting – you’ve been lying to me, Jack accuses.

Chelsea’s dealing with too many important issues to worry about whether anyone thinks they’re dating. She’s grateful to be friends. Friends. Billy repeats with a smile.

Back at the office, Vikki continues to lecture her father – Adam’s made it clear he doesn’t want to be part of this family. He’s part of me, Victor doesn’t see Adam as a threat. His plan to bring him back won’t impact Vikki or the company – don’t worry about me. I can’t let him go. I’m his father.

Jack’s confronting Kyle on the messages he read. No, Victor didn’t send it to the wrong number – you’ve been colluding behind my back. Why do you want to run Adam out of Jabot!? Because he doesn’t belong here, Dad!!! Adam listens outside Jack’s door.