Thursday, April 13th, 2023

Jeremy barges into the motel room to blast Phyllis – why are you still here!?

Listing everything Diane has going for her, Jack’s incredulous that she’s been arrested for Phyllis’ murder. Stark’s a criminal. Chris warns Jack that given Diane’s previous disappearance, she may not get bail. Jack’s sure Stark will be proven guilty.

Phyllis cries – she had to go to the memorial to see how her kids feel about her. Again with the kids, Jeremy wonders why she cares. They’re adults! They’ll go on with their lives. No! You didn’t hear the pain in their voices. I can take that away – they’ll forgive me.

You don’t believe my Mom’s innocent? Kyle believes Jeremy’s to blame. Summer agrees he played a role in it but Diane wasn’t arrested for no reason. She’s the reason my Mom’s dead.

Nick knocks – Vic? You in there? He tries the handle as Vikki tidies up and Nate shrugs back into his jacket. We were just having a drink, she offers Nick one while Nate makes a hasty exit. Nick doesn’t want to talk about the service – he’d rather talk about what Vikki was doing with Nate.

Sally and Adam seem to have left when Elena joins the new Moms. They appreciate all her help and advice. The three of you were meant to be together, Elena gives Tessa a hug.

Nick scolds Vikki – you missed a button, and what the hell is going on with your hair? Vikki thinks Nick should focus on his family. You are my family – Nate’s in a relationship and could be looking for business advantages (like Ashland) Vikki reminds that she’s been respectful of his relationship with Sally and basically tells Nick to leave so she can get some work done. Brush your hair, he barks on his way out.

Summer and Kyle debate Diane burning the guest house down and blaming Phyllis. Your Mom snapped, Summer’s sure. She acknowledges her Mom’s obsession with Diane. The last words she said were that she needed to protect herself from Diane. Open your eyes.

Diane let her kid think she was dead for years – I’ve only been dead for a couple of days, Phyllis is sure they’ll forgive her. She can’t go ‘live her life without a care in the world’. Jeremy won’t let her blow everything up (for him) When he threatens her, Phyllis gets in his face – you have NO idea who you’re dealing with!

Kyle’s sure his Mom will be cleared and released – she’s not capable of murder. He doesn’t want Harrison to hear horrible things about his DD – please keep an open mind. Summer will – but we need to come up with a cover story. We don’t know when Diane will be back, if ever.

Nick joins Nate at Society’s bar, where he assumes he’s thinking of a story to tell Elena before he goes home. Bringing up his betrayal at CW, he declares Nate’s credibility shot. Nate’s personal time is his own business. Elena appears to ask – what are you guys talking about? Nick smirks at Nate.

Mariah can’t believe that Phyllis is gone. It feels weird to feel happy. Sharon tells them to enjoy this special time – it goes so fast. Mariah takes Tessa’s hand and kisses it.

On the patio, Sally and Adam are eager to find out the sex of their baby. Finding out will make it all real. Adam can’t wait.

Nate tells Elena that Nate thinks he’s consumed by power. Nick bids Elena goodnight and declaring Nate a lucky guy, leaves. Elena asks Nate what that was all about.

When Jack comes home, Kyle frets that his marriage is at stake. Summer doubts Mom will be freed any time soon. We won’t give up until we uncover the truth, Jack vows.

Phyllis boasts that she’s spent very little time behind bars (unlike Jeremy) – who’s the smart one now? Get out of my way! Jeremy grabs her – do what you’re supposed to do Phyllis doesn’t take orders! This is my life. You don’t have a life! You’re dead! And if you don’t stay that way I’ll kill you myself! Got it? Jeremy bellows.

Next Week: Tucker’s near tears – I’m gonna sell my company and leave this town. You’re threatening me, Ashley replies … You’re out of the loop Dad. Sally’s having my baby, Adam tells his Dad – and I’m still in love with her … Mike informs Nikki that he got a call from Jack; asking that he defend Diane. You can’t represent the woman who killed one of your best friends, Nikki shrieks.