Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

Picnic basket in hand, Chance would like Sharon to join him for breakfast in the park – before we both get too busy. It looks like he’s too late.

Diane awakens to a breakfast tray, complete with a single red rose, delivered by her husband. We’ll tackle Ashley together – forever ~kiss~

The bed’s rumpled and Tucker and Ashley are getting dressed. She’s glad they spent the night at the club to avoid Jack and Diane. He’s glad to hear she’s giving up on protecting Jack.

Back at CL’s, Sharon sorry to tell Chance that she only came back for her tablet before meeting with Adam. How about lunch? Given a kiss, Chance is left disappointed – ‘Party for one’.

In the living room, Billy assures Jack and Diane that their fake fight worked. He’s glad to help his brother, protect Jabot and wipe the smug off Tucker’s face.

Looking at a framed portrait of Kay, Devon flashes back to a chat they had years ago. The only way to know what’s in Tucker’s heart is to give him a chance, she’d said – You always back up family.

Ashley is sure Diane will implode on her own (at Jabot) Yes – Tucker was right. Then, we’ll scoop up Jabot’s best assets and fold it into our own empire. That’s all good – but Tucker’s disappointed when Ashley’s decides their too busy to get back into bed.

‘Replacing Mariah will be tough’, Diane’s opining when Summer drops by Jack’s office. She congratulates the newlyweds and reports hiring Chelsea. Jack can’t wait to see what they do together at Marchetti. Summer’s not happy to hear that Kyle’s in NY – with Audra. Oh, it’s more than business, they’re sleeping together, Summer leaves before she cries.

In the park, Billy flashes back to Jack’s warning – once we start this, there’s no turning back. Making a quick call, he learns that Ashley’s in the GCAC dining room and heads there.

** Apologies. I had internet issues.