Monday, April 15th, 2024

Jack and Diane come home to find Kyle understandably in a panic – Harrison is missing! Claire must have taken him! Summer flies in to lash out at Kyle – how could you let that psychopath take our son!?

Defending himself, Kyle explains that Claire came over with Lucky Bun. She could have given it to me! Summer will NOT be calmed down. While Jack and Diane try to take the temperature down, Summer’s boiling over.

Kyle’s speaking to an officer, Jack’s back from talking to his own security team (because everyone has one it seems) Summer continues to blame the crazy person who tried to kill her family. Coming down to ask what’s going on, Traci hasn’t heard anything – Ashley’s asleep. Hearing that Kyle drank a glass of Scotch, Summer slams out to find answers. The Abbott’s have to consider that she may be right. Diane goes to check on the emotionally unstable person upstairs.

Now at Vikki’s, Summer repeats her theory/accusation.

Sure that Claire didn’t come home, Vikki leaves her a message. Without further word, Summer storm out.

While Kyle gives the police a description of Harrison, Diane comes down to tell Traci what she already knows; Ashley’s asleep.

Summer and Vikki are now at the main house. Updated, Nikki’s sure Jordan’s behind it. Claire tricked you all – again, Summer insists.

Victor steps aside to call Jack – he’ll send his head of security over to meet with Jack’s ‘team’ – we’ll find out grandson together. Jack doesn’t want to believe Claire took Harrison but nothing else makes sense.

The police officer comes back to inform that a flower truck was parked out back for ten minutes. The Abbott’s receive a weekly floral delivery. Diane checks – the flowers are all dumped in a pile outside. That’s not how it usually happens, Traci manages to say with a straight face.

Back at the ranch, Summer’s still trying to talk sense into her/Claire’s family. Why is she so obsessed with children!? For a third time, she calls her cousin a psychopath. When she finally appeals to her grandfather, Victor gently points out that no one’s more careful than he is when it comes to family – Claire didn’t do this.

The delivery truck was just a cover – maybe someone kidnapped Harrison for ransom. Kyle can’t believe he was so wrong about Claire. We must remain calm, Jack instructs.

Blaming everyone, Summer orders them to make Claire bring Harrison home – she’ll never forgive them otherwise. After Summer leaves, all agree that Jordan could be behind it. Nikki has to consider that Jordan was able to draw Claire back in.

The Abbotts have been updated that the floral truck was found abandoned – the driver’s missing. Rejoining the group, Kyle and Summer debate. He then gets a text from Claire – I have Harrison – you can keep him safe by helping my Aunt, she knows the Newmans will never let her go free. It’s up to you and Summer – details to follow.

Call her! Summer orders – what do you need to think about!? Why don’t you think Claire’s working with Jordan!? Because he can’t stand the thought that Harrison’s alone and scared – that he’s with TWO psychopaths – and that he let this happen! But – maybe Harrison has an ally in Claire. Jack and Traci think it’s a positive sign that Jordan wants to negotiate.

Vikki’s horrified that her Mom now suspects Claire. Getting a call from Jack, Victor’s indignant that Jordan trusts the Abbott’s to help her over the Newmans. Taking the phone from her father, Vikki suggests that Jordan has Claire’s phone – she’s holding Claire hostage too. Victor’s going to figure things out with Jack – he’s had enough of this nonsense and will put a stop to this woman once and for all.

Vikki’s saddened to consider that Jordan may have gotten to Claire. Cole’s not buying it – we know Claire’s heart. As they hug, Nikki shakily reaches for a glass on the bar that isn’t there.

Kyle vows to move heaven and earth to rescue Harrison – we’ll get him home, safe and sound, he promises. You better, Summer snarls – because this is YOUR fault.

In the seedy yet ever popular motel, Harrison bleats – I don’t know you – I want to go home. Your parents don’t want you anymore – I’m your Aunt Jordan and I’ll be taking care of you from now on.