Friday, June 14th, 2024

At CL’s, an excited Chelsea tells Adam that she spoke with Connor’s social worker – he had a breakthrough on his fear of contamination – was able to eat some foods he’s been scared of. Adam’s not quite as optimistic. Eavesdropping, Sharon’s ‘so pleased’ for Connor and his parents.

Alan stops by Ashley’s apartment to update Traci. Jack’s now in Paris too. Both are eager to hear how Traci’s doing.

No word of a takeover? I guess we have to see what happens at today’s meeting, Tucker decides. Philipe didn’t buy that you’re turning on me, the assistant reports. Is there a takeover underway? It’s not a good sign, Tucker frets. He won’t let Audra get away with this.

In her suite, Audra drinks tea.

The assistant’s makes more calls – no one has prior commitments. They’re all in this against me – it’s out of control, Tucker zips on his boots. Keep trying, he leaves. There’s only one thing left to do.

Audra reads a text from Phillipe saying that Tucker’s pushing to meet later. He’s on the ropes.

As Tucker flashes back to telling Audra that Glacade’s hers, Audra gets a text from Victor – kindly inform me once the board’s voted. Of course, she replies. Tucker shows up wanting to talk. She regrets time wasted with him. Don’t go through with this, he implores.

Alan tells Traci and Jack that Ashley’s strong and determined – the first night’s the toughest. He speaks highly of the facility and it’s staff. Jack and Traci will be forever grateful to him. There’s no need for Alan to feel guilty.

Tucker repeats his offer to give Audra Glacade free and clear. She doesn’t need it given to her. You put everything/everyone above me. His only crime is wanting to help his son. Here I am; I’m not with Devon or Ashley – I AM putting you first. Audra doesn’t care anymore. Tucker never thought she’d be this cruel.