Friday, November 22nd, 2024

Well, that’s interesting, Victor grunts. Which part? Adam asks – that Sally and Billy are holding hands? Or that they’ve just come down from one of their suites?

CL’s closed for the night, Ester puts her foot in her mouth a few times before telling Sharon that she’s not a cold blooded murderer – you’re just very, very sick.

Phyllis is glad Chance is gone and that Nick’s there in his place. Thank you. For what? Saving my life, she takes his hand.

Nick’s glad he got to Phyllis in time. The car crash was loud but didn’t interrupt Devon and Abby’s wedding. He’s humble – it took him AND Chance to save Phyllis. She’ll never forget that NICK saved her life.

Ester just hopes Sharon can get the help she needs. Sharon doesn’t need any more help tonight – you’ve done enough already. Now alone, Sharon gets another visit from Cameron – you better hope the jury agrees with Ester that you’re sick – the only thing worse than Fairview is the state pen.

Adam talks loudly about Billy and Sally having revenge sex or worse, pity sex. If they see they’ve gotten to you, they win, Victor scolds his son – then praises him when he sends a bottle of champagne over instead.

Sally and Billy are enjoying their time together when a waiter brings over the bubbly on ice – courtesy of Mr Nemwan. No thanks, Billy gives the Mr Newmans a jaunty wave.

Nick wonders why Phyllis believes Sharon ran her off the road. She was texting me, trying to lure me to her house. Thinking she killed me is likely what drove her to confess to killing Heather! Please, don’t tell me you’re on Sharon’s side.

Cameron tells Sharon that her beautiful skin will turn grey from lack of sun (in prison) Your family will stop visiting; you’ll die alone. Why did you drag me here? So Sharon can end it – I don’t need you anymore – bye.

Billy and Sally’s laughter gets under Adam’s skin. Don’t go over there, Victor warns again – devote your time to Chelsea and Connor. Sally was nothing but a diversion – you’ll fall in love again. No, Adam would have to have a heart for that. Good night, Pop, he leaves (and with him Sally’s interest in Billy)

Good to see you mending so quickly, Mike arrives to stammer. After Nick escapes, Phyllis wastes little time demanding an explanation on how her BFF can defend the woman who tried to kill her.

Ignoring his own advice, Victor’s pestering Billy and Sally – you should hire him at Marchetti Z. Enjoy the champagne (despite having nothing to celebrate) Have a nice day, Victor tells Sally.

I’m the steel in your spine, Cameron claims. But, with a few harsh words, Sharon squeezes her eyes shut and wills him gone forever. She’s not alone for long though. Here’s Adam.