Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

On the dancefloor, Lauren scolds Jack for his and Diane’s ruse. His new year’s resolution for her is to be kinder to Diane. If you take the lead, others in town might follow.

Back at the bar, Diane wraps up her story of what she and Jack did to save Kyle. He knows about a mother’s love; both sides of the maternal coin (Lauren is a wonderful mother while he was raised by a narcisist) They hug.

Danny’s not worried about his son – don’t underestimate your strength or cut off the people who love you. Call me, I’ll be there for you, even in the middle of a show, he tells Daniel. I love you ¬hug¬

Declining to see a doctor, Tessa blames herself for being so stupid. When I collapsed, Ian caught me, and his inhaler helped. I showed him a photo of Aria, she frets. Now that he’s been outed, Mariah’s sure Ian will return to whatever rock he crawled out from under. She doesn’t like to discuss what Ian did to her; he’s an evil man who destroyed her entire childhood.

Back in the alley, Ian pulls out a card that proves his a chaplain. When Faith comes out to report that the police are on their way, he comments that she’s ‘become quite the young woman’ (which sets Nick off again)

Chris once again at his side, Danny tells Daniel how Lucy would sing along from the wings while he was onstage. He’d gladly take her back on the road. You should come too, Chris invites. Daniel will – when the time is right.

As soon as Jack returns with Lauren, Mike takes her back to the dancefloor to show them how it’s really done. That leaves Diane to tell Jack that her talk with Mike is the perfect start to the new year.

Back inside, Faith agrees that Tessa should see a doctor. Ian is the evil himself, Mariah flashes back to being confused to find herself wearing a wedding gown; Ian telling her to relax. She can’t believe he’s free – and why would he come back to GC??

Nick asks Ian why he’d come back to a place where everyone hates him. You terrorized my Mom, shot my father and set fire to Newman Towers with dozens of people inside for a charity event. Arrest this man, he orders the attending officer as soon as she arrives.

This has been fun, Jack and Mike agree. Seeming to have taken Jack’s request to heart, Lauren notices Diane’s emerald necklace – it looks beautiful on you. Agreeing to get together soon, the couples part ways and exit.

Danny makes plans to visit Daniel tomorrow – he’ll show Lucy how to make his famous sauce. With Heather’s killer possibly still at large, Chris is happy Danny’s there to give his son some extra support.

Nick tells the officer to look up Ian Ward’s record – he claims he’s been released for good behaviour but Nick’s not buying it. Ian also encourages the officer to look into his release. I’ve committed no crime tonight; in fact, I may have saved a life.

Inside Society with her sister, Faith wonders where their Mom is – she should have been here by now. Mariah again looks worried.

In the motel room, Jordan hovers by the window as Sharon lays unconscious on the bed with her hands bound and duct tape covering her mouth.