Wednesday, June 1st

At the club, Phyllis tells Bethany that Billy was in an accident. He’s OK but he needs you to say you were riding on the back of his bike, that YOU called 911. Bethany’s reluctant – he didn’t even call me. He’s hung up on someone else. He must be pretty desperate to think I’d … It’s YOU, you’re the other woman, Bethany guesses.

Abby’s full of optimism – we’ll get Max whatever he needs to get better. Getting a call, Ben’s told (and relays to Abby and Ashley) that it’s what he thought – a brain tumour. It’s big and in a bad place. If Max survives he may never be the same.

Why must you continually push the envelope? Do you have a death wish? Jill continues to treat Billy like he’s 5. He describes how free he felt, riding, not thinking about business or meeting anyone’s expectations. I didn’t want the ride to end. Jack sends Jill off to catch her flight – you have meetings tomorrow. Billy will be fine and live his life the way he wants to, no matter what we say.

Billy will appreciate you uncomplicating his life, Phyllis ensures. So, just like that, a lie fixes the problem? Phyllis hints that Bethany may have a future with Billy if she cooperates. And he’ll give you 10K, guaranteed.

Meredith walks past Victor to lock the door and remove her lab coat and unbutton her blouse.

You get caught lying and the answer is to just throw money at it, Travis scoffs. You treat people like commodities you can buy and sell. You don’t know me, Vikki bristles. Whose fault is that? Yes, Vikki had privileges growing up, but there’s more to her. She now gets irritated that she’s being stereotyped. You want to blame all your troubles on the rich people. Get the hell out of my bar! Travis shouts.


Next: Where is Dr Gates? A male doctor informs that she’s taken a leave of absence…. You think that if Victor wins and I go to prison, this is over!? That’s what you think!? Adam barks at Nick … Ian talks to himself in a visiting room – My visitor will be here soon. This showdown is long overdue.

My Thoughts: Paul’s the last person who should be questioning someone’s fathering skills (or lack thereof) He did more than keep Ricky at arms length. He dumped the kid on his grandparents and continued life as if he didn’t have a son (or a daughter for that matter) …. Max may never be the same? Ben says that like it’s a bad thing; like his son isn’t all but a pint-sized murderer. Odd that Max didn’t exhibit any of the usual symptoms; nausea, headaches, blurred vision, seizures etc. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess that Neville will perform another miracle and turn Max into a normal kid (although I’m not sure I’d miss him if he were written out) Ben didn’t even seem upset that his son has a brain tumour – as usual, he just looked pissed off about it … Shouldn’t Phyllis tell Bethany where Billy crashed his bike and what she supposedly said when she called 911. 10K? Bethany should hold out for a lot more than that. She needs some lessons on blackmailing from Hilary.