Monday, June 13th

Travis leaves a message for Vikki – he doesn’t know why she took it upon herself to pay his debt. Call me back.

Billy claims that men always screw things up (and blathers on about cowboys wanting something he can’t have – he’s in over his head – doesn’t realize he’s hurting the people around him) Vikki didn’t come to hear Billy bear his soul – we’re past that. She didn’t get the answers she wanted (about why people lie) but has someone else she can ask.

Bethany bumps into Jack on the rooftop – I guess you know. I should have seen it coming, he replies.

How did you see it coming? Are you a mind reader? Bethany asks. Jack’s sorry – but hers isn’t the first heart Billy’s broken. My heart, unbelievable, Bethany can’t believe Jack’s concerned about HER. At least you found out the truth before it’s too late, Jack says. Bethany thinks him a good guy. Jack thinks himself lucky – he has a great job and a wife who loves him. You have everything you need, Bethany says as she hurries off.

When Phyllis returns, Billy fires questions about how Jack took the news. I didn’t tell him, she admits.

At Hank’s, Travis blasts Vikki for bailing him out – I don’t want your damn money. Vikki didn’t pay off his debt – why would I? You have money from your days on Wallstreet. You’re a hypocrite. You made me feel terrible, but YOU lied to me about who YOU are. Have you been honest with me about anything!?

Still at the penthouse, Mike pours Chelsea and himself a drink – Adam can handle Ian. Chelsea isn’t so sure. Ian got Victor’s confession too quickly. But what if he’s lying? Ian has nothing to lose. We might be pinning our hopes on a defense that doesn’t exist. Chelsea realizes that Mike plans to put Ian on the stand no matter what.

What happened to your face? Adam asks Ian (who claims that he kept hitting Victor’s fist with it) Have you got something up your sleeve? Adam asks. All Ian has up his sleeve is Victor’s confession. Adam suspects that Ian plans to escape before the trial.

Travis wasn’t laughing at Vikki. How did you find out anyway? Did you have me investigated? Travis is sorry. He got caught up in working on Wallstreet; became someone I didn’t like. Ironic that he left a world Vikki’s from. I should probably see a shrink for all my issues. When Vikki told him she worked for a corporation, he decided to keep his past in the past. The man standing in front of you is asking you to forgive him.

Why couldn’t you tell him? Billy’s clearly disappointed. You didn’t see his face, his eyes – Phyllis couldn’t break Jack’s heart. Billy jumps up – he can’t stay away from Phyllis unless Jack knows. I don’t want you to stay away, Phyllis initiates a kiss.

Victor throws the medication on the ground and crumples up a piece of paper.